OVID Medline vs. PubMed 邱子恒 2015.04.13. 大綱 Ovid Medline 介紹 PubMed 介紹 兩者之差異 作業題目 上機操作.


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OVID Medline vs. PubMed 邱子恆 臺北醫學大學通識教育中心
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Copyright © 2007 Taipei Medical University Library Medline 資料庫檢索 Demo 邱子恆
遠端北風資料庫 公佈時間: 2006/4/26 繳交截止時間: 2006/5/10. 作業目的 實作遠端資料庫瀏覽程式.
OVID Medline vs. PubMed 邱子恒 大綱 Ovid Medline 介紹 PubMed 介紹 兩者之差異 作業題目 上機操作.
OVID Medline vs. PubMed 邱子恆
Ovid Medline上機操作 & 作業二題目說明
Presentation transcript:

OVID Medline vs. PubMed 邱子恒

大綱 Ovid Medline 介紹 PubMed 介紹 兩者之差異 作業題目 上機操作

學習目標 認識 Ovid Medline 認識 PubMed 瞭解兩者之差異 熟悉兩者之操作

Medline  Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the MEDLINE database is widely recognized as the premier source for bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature.  MEDLINE encompasses information from Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing Index, as well as other sources of coverage in the areas of allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology.

Medline Medicine Nursing Dentistry Veterinary medicine Allied health Pre-clinical sciences Biomedicine (Biology,Environmental science,Marine biology,Plant and animal science,Biophysics,Chemistry )

Medline The Ovid MEDLINE database contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,200 biomedical journals published in the United States and in 70 other countries. The database contains well over 16 million citations dating back to the Although coverage is worldwide, most records are derived from English-language sources or have English abstracts. Abstracts are included for more than 75% of the records.

PubMed 簡介 Published by : U.S. National Library of Medicine's® (NLM) Time coverage: 1949 to the present Source : 5,200 worldwide journals; 23 million references to journal articles in life sciences Updates: 2,000-4,000 completed references are added each day 90% are published in English. Broad subject coverage 資料來源:美國國家醫學圖書館網站 h ttp://

PubMed 簡介 PubMed provides access to bibliographic information which includes MEDLINE as well as: The out-of-scope citations (e.g., articles on plate tectonics or astrophysics) from certain MEDLINE journals, primarily general science and chemistry journals, for which the life sciences articles are indexed for MEDLINE. Citations that precede the date that a journal was selected for MEDLINE indexing. Some additional life science journals that submit full text to PubMedCentral and receive a qualitative review by NLM.

Related articles 之功能 Each citation in PubMed has a link that will retrieve a pre-calculated set of PubMed citations that are closely related to the selected article. Click on Related Articles to the right of each citation to display the related set of articles. PubMed creates this set by comparing words from the title, abstract, and MeSH terms using a powerful word-weighted algorithm. Citations are displayed in rank order from most to least relevant, with the "linked from" citation displayed first.algorithm

Link Out 之功能 LinkOut allows publishers, aggregators, libraries, biological databases, sequence centers, and other Web resources to display links to their sites on items from the Entrez databases. These links can take you to the provider's site to obtain the full-text of articles or related resources, e.g., consumer health information. There may be a charge to access the text or information. The current list of LinkOut providers is available. LinkOutLinkOut providers

控制字彙檢索  MeSH

控制字彙檢索 : Breast cancer

MeSH 之內容 : 概念之階層架構

選定後 add to search builder  searchPubMed


自然語言 vs. 控制字彙 : 比較

Filter 的功能


書目資料呈現 : Summary

書目資料呈現 :Abstract

MeSH & Grant support

書目資料呈現 :Medline

相異之處 對象  OVID Medline: for health science professionals  PubMed : for the public 收錄範圍  PubMed > OVID Medline 系統功能 更新速度

上機練習 1. Locate articles published in New England Journal of Medicine by Wen-Ta Chiu ( 前衛生福利部長邱文達 ) ( 20% ) 2. Locate article(s) about blood cancer [as the main topic] for boys under 6 years old written in French. (20%) 3. I need to find some non-English articles entitled “…SARS… infection… ” (篇名中有此兩個關鍵字出現的非英文文獻) (20%) 4. I am looking for some information on the relationship between food and memory for people older than 65 years old published from (20%) 5. 我要找中年女性肥胖者中風機率的相關文獻, 證據等級越高越 好. (20%)

作業一 1. Locate articles published in Clinical Cancer Research by Yen Yun. ( 北醫閻雲校長 ) 2. Locate article(s) about high blood pressure [as the main topic] for young adult between years old written in Chinese. 3. I need to find some non-English articles entitled “…air… lung… ” (篇名中有此兩個關鍵字出現的非英文文獻) 4. I am looking for some information on the relationship between health and exercise for women older than 65 years old published from 我要找中年男性乳癌死亡率的文獻, 證據等級越高越好

作業二 請自選一個 concept ,分別在 OVID Medline 和 PubMed 中進行自然語言和控制字彙的檢索, 作業內 容應包括:  封面 ( 系級, 姓名, 學號, 檢索的題目說明 )  分別列印出所有的檢索過程 [Prt Scr] Ovid Medline  1) 自然語言, 2) 控制字彙 PubMed  1) 自然語言, 2) 控制字彙  比較兩者之不同 Ovid Medline NL vs. CV ( 檢索結果,檢索過程,使用感想 ) PubMed NL vs. CV( 檢索結果,檢索過程,使用感想 ) Ovid vs. PudMed (檢索結果,使用者介面,系統功能) 請用 Ovid Medline1950- 做檢索,並以〔 Alt 〕 + 〔 Print Screen 〕將檢索策略與 檢索結果剪貼於作業中 [ 不是用 in process 喔 !]