One, Two, Three, Four Let God Open the Door 2 Timothy 2:14-19.


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Presentation transcript:

One, Two, Three, Four Let God Open the Door 2 Timothy 2:14-19

14 Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. 17 And their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort, 18 who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some. 19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." 2 Timothy 2:14-19

The Background of the Text

Paul’s death is at hand

The Background of the Text Paul’s death is at hand Final words to young Timothy

The Background of the Text Paul’s death is at hand Final words to young Timothy Serious religious problems everywhere

The Background of the Text Paul’s death is at hand Final words to young Timothy Serious religious problems everywhere False teachers abound and are praised

The Background of the Text Paul’s death is at hand Final words to young Timothy Serious religious problems everywhere False teachers abound and are praised Importance of handing His Word right

Handling His Word Right

One Amazing Book, Honor it

Handling His Word Right One Amazing Book, Honor it Two Great Truths

Handling His Word Right One Amazing Book, Honor it Two Great Truths Three Greek Words

Handling His Word Right One Amazing Book, Honor it Two Great Truths Three Greek Words Four Key Questions

One Amazing Book

Amazing unity of truth

One Amazing Book Amazing unity of truth Amazing story of redemption

Two Great Truths

The Bible is Understandable

Two Great Truths The Bible is Understandable Must Desire to Understand

The Bible is Understandable

Ask Adam

The Bible is Understandable Ask Adam Ask Noah

The Bible is Understandable Ask Adam Ask Noah Ask Moses & Aaron

The Bible is Understandable Ask Adam Ask Noah Ask Moses & Aaron Ask David

The Bible is Understandable Ask Adam Ask Noah Ask Moses & Aaron Ask David Ask Jesus & apostles

Ask Jesus: 3 But He said to them, Have you not read what David did, when he was hungry, he and those who were with him; Matt. 12:3

Ask Jesus: 3 But He said to them, Have you not read what David did, when he was hungry, he and those who were with him; Matt. 12:3 5 Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priest in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless? Matt. 12:5

Ask Jesus: 4 And He answered and said to them, Have you not read, that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, Matt. 19:4

Ask Jesus: 4 And He answered and said to them, Have you not read, that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, Matt. 19:4 31 But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, Matt. 22:31

Ask Jesus: 10 Have ye not even read this Scripture: The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone? is become the head of the corner: Mark 12:10

Ask Paul: 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness. Rom. 4:3

Ask Paul: 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness." Rom. 4:3 8 But what does it say? “The word is near you in your mouth and in your heart.” Rom. 10:8

Ask Paul: 4 But what does the Divine response say to him? “I have reserved for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.” Rom. 11:4

Ask Paul: 4 But what does the Divine response say to him? “I have reserved for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.” Rom. 11:4 30 Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. Gal. 4:30

Two Great Truths The Bible is Understandable Must Desire to Understand

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matt. 5:6

Must Desire to Understand 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matt. 5:6 17 If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My on authority. John 7:17

Three Greek Words

Exegesis - To lead out

Three Greek Words Exegesis - To lead out “Eisegesis” - To lead into

Three Greek Words Exegesis - To lead out “Eisegesis” - To lead into Hermeneutics - Hermes - Messenger

Four Key Questions


Four Key Questions Who? To Whom?

Four Key Questions Who? To Whom? When?

Four Key Questions Who? To Whom? When? Why?

God’s Door of Salvation

Believe in HimMark 16:16

God’s Door of Salvation Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9

God’s Door of Salvation Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9

God’s Door of Salvation Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized into ChristRom. 6:3

God’s Door of Salvation Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized into ChristRom. 6:3 Added to His Kingdom, Church, FAMILY

God’s Door of Salvation Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized into ChristRom. 6:3 Added to His Kingdom, Church, FAMILY Be faithful until deathRev. 2:10