October 14, 2011 South Carolina Integrity Strategic Plan
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Wage Cross Match Program Malfunction Failure to provide proper instructions Claimant Causes Fraud Failure to follow instructions Employer Causes Non-participation in reporting New Hires 2
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned action(s) to address: Launch BARTS Launch of employer portal for reporting earnings Employer/Claimant Educational Campaign On-Demand Wage Crossmatch Principal milestones: BARTS and Employer portal in production (October 2011) Claimant focus groups (October 2011) Partner with DSS to promote use of New Hire database (1st Quarter 2012) Begin employer seminars (Early 2012) 3
Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Failure to enter employer response into system timely Failure to obtain detailed separation information Claimant Causes Failure to provide accurate work history Failure to provide true separation reason Failure to provide correct wages earned Employer Causes Failure to respond to requests Failure to report timely Failure to provide substantial evidence of misconduct 4
Separations: Planned action(s) to address: Electronic Requests for Separation Information Development of new staff training and tracking mechanisms Employer Seminars Principal milestones: SCBOS NET101 launched August 2011 Promotion of NET101 4th quarter 2011 Development of new training program early
Work Search Issues: Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Allowing Group Eligibility Reviews No way to verify job contacts Lack of training for staff conducting Eligibility Reviews Failure to provide proper instructions Claimant Causes Not completing Work Search Form Failure to Look for Work Missing Eligibility Review Failure to follow instructions 6
Work Search Issues : Planned action(s) to address: Not allow group ERs Complete random ERs to increase quality and decrease quantity Properly train staff to conduct ERs Principal milestones: Cease the conduction of group ERs (early 2012) Implement random ERs (early 2012) Implement Training on conducting quality reviews (ongoing) 7
8 Issue 1: Poor Quality Fact Finding Root cause(s) identified: BTQ scores for many offices low leading to potential overpayments Planned action(s) to address issue Implement a digital fact-finding program on front end of claims taking process Regionalize fact-finding to ensure consistency in training and outcomes Principle milestones Procure digital fact finding software 2012 Pilot project in Midlands region late 2011
9 Issue 2: Antiquated Technology Root cause(s) identified: Inability to create on demand cross matches with different databases (I.e., retirement systems) Lack of agreements with other agencies to run cross matches Lack of staff to analyze overpayment data Inability to extract necessary data for analysis Planned action(s) to address issue Create more easily accessible database in upgraded programming language Generate reports specific to overpayments Dedicate more staff to analyze overpayment data Principle milestones Launch new overpayment database (2012) Train dedicated staff (early 2012)
Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity: Encourage every staff member … DEWsletter quarterly to report on integrity data and projects (Winter 2011) Breakout session at annual conference to highlight importance of integrity for all staff (Winter 2011) Develop processes … Every staff member should be required to receive an orientation on integrity. This could be done electronically (Summer 2012) Maintain management oversight… Develop reports on overpayments by local office and target additional training as necessary (Spring 2012) 10
Communications Strategies: To claimants New fraud posters in local offices and county libraries (Nov 2011) How to report earnings worksheet online with weekly certification (Oct 2011) Focus groups to develop better messages and better placement (Winter 2011) To employers Seminars addressing how reducing overpayments saves businesses money (Spring 2012) Banner ads on regional business websites/newsletters (Winter 2011) 11
Communications Strategies, Continued: To state UI staff Quarterly DEWsleter on Integrity (Winter 2011) Part of training sessions with staff (Winter 2011) To the public Potential radio and social media advertising in conjunction with claimant education campaign (Spring 2012) To state leaders (Governor, state legislature, etc.) Submission of integrity plan (Oct 2011) Testify at committee hearing (Nov 2011) 12
Killer App: Wage Cross Match On Demand Description of Issue: BYE detected late in claim series leading to high value of overpayment. Description of Solution: OnDemand Wage Crossmatch with Wage Records. Anticipated results: Identify potential conflicts earlier in claims series Improper payment reduction: 5% 13
“Integrity: Own It!” Questions? State Contact for follow-up: Erica Von Nessen: Phone: