GlueX Software Status April 28, 2006 David Lawrence, JLab
Milestones from last collaboration meeting Tagger: Final object format for factory output should be designed first. This should be filled parametrically in the Geant simulation to allow development of the reconstruction code downstream. UPV shower position/energy reconstruction. (not necessarily final algorithm) Final object format for factory output. Start Counter position, time and covariance. Final object format for factory output. CDC hit based and time based information output. This includes any z- position information, either by direct measurement (charge ratio) or rudimentary segment reconstruction of stereo layers.Final object format for factory output. FDC hit based and time information. Package level track segment finding should be done. Mechanism for passing both locally resolved Left/Right ambiguities to tracking as well as ones that must be resolved globally. Final object format for factory output.
Milestones from last collaboration meeting(cont’) BCAL shower position/energy reconstruction. (not necessarily final algorithm) Final object format for factory output. TOF position and time reconstruction. There may need to be an iterative mechanism here between tracking and TOF. Details for this should be completely worked out.Final object format for factory output. Cherenkov: A decision on the exact type and form of the Cherenkov detector needs to be made before serious work can begin here. FCAL shower position/energy reconstruction. (not necessarily final algorithm) Final object format for factory output. Output reconstructed particles into format that can by read by CMU PWA code. Pattern recognition using hit-based information completed and optimized for Monte Carlo data. Full tracking through an inhomogeneous magnetic field. The Kalman filter should be implemented at least in a rudimentary way. Particle identification factory designed with well defined outputs. Not necessarily final algorithm, but at least capable of identifying probable Kaons.
Subversive Behavior On April 5th, 2006 the CVS repository was copied into a subversion repository URL: The subversion repository is now the official source code repository for GlueX simulation/reconstruction code
Collaboration with CLAS12 The CLAS12 group is (for now) adopting the HDDS format for detector description They have written a package to define a geometry in GEANT4 from HDDS files that we can use
Other Areas of Progress HDDM C++ API HDGeant Fixes for FDC JIL (JLab Introspection Library) presented at CHEP06 Calibration Database committee Nightly simulation/analysis
Paper on DANA framework in development…
Software Goals for next 6 months Make first two slides greener!
Software Goals for next 6 months Use DANA for online monitoring during BCAL beam test Implement full Kalman filter in tracking with geometry info to enable resolution studies Geant4 (1 week school at JLab next month)