Date:Friday, January 28, 2011 Location:Wilbur Wright College, Room A209 Presenters: Marcia Boyd, Citywide Program Manager Get Your Plan On! Use What’s Next Illinois to help students plan, document and research postsecondary options.
What is ? What’s Next Illinois is the district, and state’s free web-based high school, college and career planning tool. Every CPS 6 th -12 th grade student has access to it It contains free ACT, SAT and PSAT web-based test preparation It will make it easier to document activities that the district, CAO’s, principals and other school leaders will use as “evidence” of students completing a thoughtful planning process for life after high school
Academic Domain: Course Plan Building
Career Domain: Assessments
Career Domain: Career Research
Social Emotional: Goal Setting
Social Emotional: Activities
How to Create & Track Activities? Use your WNI Administrative Account and go to Customize Planning Milestones
How to Create & Track Activities? Scroll down past all other previously created milestones and click Add a New Set of Planning Milestones
1.Name your milestones: 9 th Grade ILP (e.g.) 1.Check the appropriate boxes for the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) activities you want to track and monitor. 1.Click Save!
1.Select the grade level you want to apply your ILP Milestones to 2. Click the drop down menus within the grade level 3. Select the grade-level milestone you created 4.Click “Save”
Tracking Activities Through Reports After you have created and applied your milestones to each grade level, you can go into the Reports Tab and check activity completion.
Choose the grade level or group you’ve created to run the report
Click Planning Milestones and view each students activities
A student’s 9the Grade ILP Milestones
A sample
Lesson Plans There are at least 60 lesson plans in What’s Next Illinois that are ASCA aligned Use these lesson plans to prepare students for a structured Guidance Lesson! There are 12 lesson plans that were developed by CPS instructors that prepare students for college and beyond. Some lesson plan titles include: – Career Investigation – Apply for A Job – Interview for the Job – Dress for the Job – Work in a team setting – Practice Customer Service – Communication Writing – Manage Time – Succeed in A Job
Training Dates Available! Please send an to Marcia Boyd if you’re interested in participating in a training session! CPDU’s and Continental Breakfast will be provided. Dates available: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Friday, February 4, 2011 Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Thursday, February 10, 2011 Location: Medill Professional Development Training Facility Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Thanks for Participating! Marcia Boyd, Citywide Program Manager Have a great day! If you’re an elementary school counselor, make sure to stop by Marcia Ellis’ What’s Next Illinois/Paws In Jobland session for 6 th -8 th grade students!