Global Warming By Jennifer Nucum Chemistry 106 how chemicals have hurt the earth
What is global warming? Global warming is the increase of temperature throughout the entire world. Some concerns of this issue include: an increase in the surface temperature of the Earth's oceans and an increase in sea levels
What are the causes of it? The main cause of global warming is the effect of greenhouse gases on the earth’s atmosphere
Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse gases create a natural greenhouse effect that the Earth needs. Without these gases, the Earth would be an unlivable environment because it would be an estimated 30 ° C lower. what is important about it? what type gases are in it? The primary greenhouse gases are: water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide.
Greenhouse Gases continued how do the main gases affect Earth? water vapor: most abundant in the atmosphere, but is short-term (can be evaporated or precipitated in a matter of weeks) carbon dioxide: is a long-term greenhouse gas, and once added to the atmosphere can remain for hundreds of years; also heats the Earth methane: an immediate-term greenhouse gas that can be converted to carbon dioxide in a period of months to years; heats the Earth
Greenhouse Gases continued how does all of this relate to global warming? Since 1750, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane have increased by 31% and 149%. This increase has led to increased heat, the melting of icebergs and glaciers, and even the carbon dioxide sink of ecosystems. And these problems are what will contribute to the increase of temperatures around the world, the increase of surface temperature in the oceans, and increase of sea levels – all of which will eventually make the world uninhabitable.
How do we contribute to this problem? People may not realize this, but as humans, we contribute to this problem of global warming everyday. How? We do it by getting into our cars, working at our jobs, etc.
What can we do to prevent it? In order to decrease carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, one of the main things we can do is to carpool or take the bus to work. We can also try to pass a law to regulate how much oil industries can burn because they too play major roles on the greenhouse gases. These suggestions are not much, but it’s something we can all start with. If not, our future great-grandchildren will suffer the consequences and will literally “swim with the fishes.”