All life, not only human life, on our planet depends on three basic elements : AIR WATER SOIL
Over the years, the human race has exploited the Earth and polluted the environment. The situation is critical and we must find solution to the most serious aspects facing us today : water pollution acid rain holes in the ozone layer soil pollution air pollution greenhouse effect
chemical substances are released into the water Water pollution chemical substances are released into the water chemicals from factories detergents from households oil from ships
Soil pollution Fertilizers - chemicals we use to have bigger crops, pesticides- chemicals we use to kill the insects and waste dumps ( whether legal or forbidden) pollute the soil
Air pollution Cars produce exhaust fumes Airplanes use huge amount of oxygen and release carbon dioxide Factories and power plants release chemicals into the air
Acid rain Smoke from factories and power plants mixes with water in clouds and becomes sulphurous or nitric acid which falls in raindrops. This harmful rain – ACID RAIN – destroys plants, trees and pollutes the soil.
Holes in the ozone layer The ozone layer is a layer in the atmosphere high above the surface of the Earth ozone layer It helps to protect the Earth from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
Holes in the ozone layer When holes appear in the ozone layer, harmful ultraviolet radiation reaches the Earth UV radiation can damage our skin and cause skin cancer ozone layer
Holes in the ozone layer The holes are caused by substances called CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs were used in refrigerators, aerosol cans and in the manufacture of some plastic products. Companies now make aerosols that don’t contain CFCs, and these are often marked ozone-friendly.
Greenhouse effect but carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere Normally, heat from the sun warms the Earth and then escapes back into space but carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere trap the sun’s heat working like glass in a greenhouse
Greenhouse effect Where does the CARBON DIOXIDE come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2. We also produce CO2 when we burn coal, oil, petrol, gas or wood. Trees take CO2 from the air and produce oxygen. In the last few years people have burned huge areas of rainforests. This means that there are fewer trees and consequently more carbon dioxide.
Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases
this process is called the Greenhouse effect When the heat from the sun does not escape back to space, it warms up the Earth. this process is called the GLOBAL WARMING
Greenhouse effect GLOBAL WARMING Increasing global temperature will have some consequences: drought in some parts of the world melting of polar ice caps sea level rise increasing sea level will cause floods in coastal areas
Endangered plants and animal species Earth's ecosystems have been affected by different human activities, so many plant and animal species are in danger of extinction. edelweiss They have to be protected in national parks, zoos, botanical gardens and game reserves. lynx
THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY What can we do about it? One person alone cannot save the Earth but still there are things we can change together in order to help the Earth recover. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY
THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY What can we do about it? THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY Use public transport Buy environment friendly products Separate dangerous waste and waste that can be recycled Compost organic trash Save water and energy
THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY What can we do about it? THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY Use alternative sources of energy wind generators solar panels