Effective Detection of Self- admitted Technical Debt Everton S. Maldonado Emad Shihab Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering Concordia University 1
Research Goal 2 Thus far, comments have been used to identify self-admitted technical debt Our goal is to find other ways to identify self-admitted technical debt
Current limitations 3 We only have one source for self-admitted technical debt, which is using comments.
4 Research Overview
Case study on Eclipse 5
Investigating Eclipse Bugs 6 For our next charts: -Creation is when the bug was opened in the bug tracker -Commit is when a code change was submitted to address the specific bug -Resolution is when the bug was marked as fixed
Number of days Number of bugs Corrective Changes 7 Average: Median : 35 Creation x Commit Number of bugs Number of days Commit x Resolution Number of bugs Number of days Creation x Resolution Average: Median : 15 Average: Median : 66
Advantages 8 -Developer input/confessions about the system are taken into consideration -Can bring more insights about how technical debt is introduced into the source code - A light-weight approach
Ongoing and Future Work 9 Manual examination of commits to identify patterns found in the commits messages that relate to self-admitted technical debt Classify types of technical debt and relate them to specific types of fixes or refactoring
Effective Detection of Self- admitted Technical Debt Everton S. Maldonado Concordia University 11 Emad Shihab Concordia University
Thus far … 12 Recent work has shown that technical debt is prevalent and unavoidable Thus far, comments have been used to identify self-admitted technical debt
Our work 13 Find ways to effectively identify self-admitted technical debt is necessary Using: - Commit messages - Bug reports - Online discussions (e.g., StackOverflow)
Our work 14 We perform a case study on Eclipse …..to find out more… …come see my poster