Science Safety BY: Stacie Biddle, Lanee’ Boyd Krysten Collins
Rules to Follow Wear eye goggles at all time! Wear closed shoes! Wear gloves! Waft chemicals! No eating or drinking! Wait for teacher’s instructions! If there is an emergency immediately tell the teacher!
Consequences of breaking the Rules Consequences of not using eye goggles is getting a chemical in your eye that will burn or irritate your eye. Not putting your hair in pony tail means that you get it caught on fire. Not wafting means you could get a hazardous toxic smell in your nose that could get you dizzy and nauseous.
Fire Emergency/ Safety If there is an emergency like a fire notify the teacher and she will get the fire extinguisher and put the fire out. The rules to a fire is don’t use the extinguisher unless the teacher says to touch it. Only use the fire extinguisher on objects not people. For the fire blanket you tell the teacher that someone is on fire. The person on fire STOPS,DROPS and ROLLS as the student gets the fire blanket and puts it around the student. You must get permission from the teacher to get the blanket.
Chemical Safety When using chemicals you should always have them in a beaker and/or a test tube. Do not point the test tube with the chemical at yourself or others always point them down towards your desk or the floor. Do not leave chemicals that are heated unattended because they could get to hot and it could explode. Also, if a test tube breaks and/or a chemical gets all over the place, you should tell your teacher and clean the mess up. Always wear gloves when you are handling chemicals because if it gets on you it could burn your skin. The woman in the picture is not wearing gloves so she could hurt herself. The person in this picture is cleaning up the mess as they are suppose to do. The woman in this picture is wearing gloves while she is handling a chemical.
Equipment When using equipment (test tubes, fire extinguisher, eye, goggles, etc) you need to be careful handling them. If you do happen to break the equipment notify the teacher and clean it up. Wait to use any equipment until the teacher gives instructions.
Procedures Don’t run in the classroom. Always follow teacher’s instructions. Don’t touch any equipment until teacher tells you. No horseplay because someone could get hurt. Know what to do during an emergency. I f y o u c a n n o t p u t o u t a f i r e l e a v e b e f o r e i t g e t s o u t o f h a n d.
Behavior In class you should always be nice and respectful to your teachers and classmates. If you start to tease other students you are showing how juvenile you are so instead be kind. Do not get an attitude with the teacher because there will be consequences to your words and/or actions. Do not throw a fit or cause a scene with the teacher or a student.