3rd Comenius Project Meeting Mersin 2014 Reading situation in Poland: problems and solutions Bolesław Chrobry Primary School in Lublin
1.Reading comprehension is assessed as early as the 3rd grade of primary school, both in Polish and a foreign language external tests. 2. Reading comprehension is a part of a graduation exam after each stage of education: Polish and English after primary school, Polish, English, History and Social Studies after middle and high school. Reading as one of the major skills in Polish schooling system
Challenges We Face or Why Students Do Not Read a Lot… 1.The Internet – most students are addicted to media 2. Set books – more interesting at the primary stage, often boring and irrelevant in the middle and high school; 3. Teachers lacking creativity while working on the set book; 4. Students are too busy to read (even to watch a movie!); 5. Reading is associated with Humanities (Maths & Science give job perspectives)
Reading at early stages of child’s development 1.School reform – children start school at the age of 6; 2.Children are not taught to read at preschool; 3.Pupils learn to read during the first year at school so some of them do not master the skill until they are 7!
The solutions we use in our school:
1. We try to make reading in class as much fun as possible combining it with activities like drawing, colouring, acting, poster-making, dressing-up as favourite characters etc; 2. We do a lot of pre-testing -mock exams, contests – so our students are well-prepared to sit for their exams; 3. Since our school works from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. we are free to have a lot of extra-curricalr activities such as reading clubs, historical-reading club(!), drama clubs both in Polish and English, school newspaper editing club etc.
We use every chance to take part in different cultural projects encouraging reading: The House of Words - one of cultural centres in Lublin, annual festival „The City of Poetry” Storytelling contest won by our student Michał Serwa
Animation workshops – June 2014
* Our solution for young learners – Innovative School * Extra Science and English classes – both multimedia and traditional; * Introducing German in the first year of primary school. *
The results of our reading survey: 113 students aged questions
What is your favourite book?
Who is your favourite author?
Conclusions: Reading should be fun, not an obligation; Good reading habits should be developed as early as possible; Teachers and parents ought to be role models enhancing positive reading experiences; School of the XXI century is to be open to the possibilities modern technology offers;