Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 SUVOT SUSTAINABLE AND VOCATIONAL TOURISM.


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Presentation transcript:

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 SUVOT SUSTAINABLE AND VOCATIONAL TOURISM

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Operative phases: the 5 components ComponentResponsible 1Management and CoordinationProvince of Rimini 2Exchange of information and expertiseProvince of Rimini 3Methodology buildingProvince of Rimini 4Investigation and development of new tourist concepts Blackpool Council 6DisseminationICLEI

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 1 Management and coordination FOCUS: Planning, organising, implementing and monitoring the administrative, financial and operative aspects of the project RESULTS: To produce all technical and financial reports required by the programme; to set up and manage the project’s web site; to coordinate the events organised in the partner areas; to organise the opening and closing transnational meetings. RESPONSIBLE: Province of Rimini

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Tasks Jan-Jun 2005: Kickoff meeting; Detailed workplan; monitoring and evaluation plan; creation of a steering group; website; 2nd transnational meeting Tasks Jul-Dec 2005: activity plan; preparation of the information infrastructure; updating webpages Tasks Jan-Jun 2006: activity plan; updating webpages; 3rd transnational meeting Tasks Jul-Dec 2006: activity plan; updating webpages; 4th transnational meeting Tasks Jan-Jun 2007: activity plan; updating webpages; 5th transnational meeting Tasks Jul-Dec 2007: activity plan; updating webpages; 6th transnational meeting Phase 1 Management and coordination

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 2 Exchange of information and expertise FOCUS: Transfer tools used in the Networks of Cities for Sustainable Tourism: (a) benefits of the eco-label and Environmental Management Systems (ISO or EMAS II) and (b) application of the techniques to assess the carrying capacity of tourist destinations and (c) other forms of best pratice. RESULTS: Transfer and dissemination of strategies, approaches and measures promoted by Agenda 21 in response to the challenge of sustainable development; awareness creation; multi-stakeholder communication and consultation; RESPONSIBLE: Province of Rimini

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 2 Exchange of information and expertise Tasks Jan-Jun 2005: The LP will ask the "old partners", especially ICLEI, to produce relevant content to be used to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05) focusing on: (a) benefits of the eco-label and Environmental Management Systems (ISO or EMAS II) (b) application of the techniques to assess the carrying capacity of tourist destinations and (c) other forms of best pratice. They will search the relevant content and the LP will assemble it. Tasks Jul-Dec 2005: In July 05 workshop and study visit will be organised in Rimini. The workshop will follow the following structure: presentation of the Knowledge Resource Guide; study visits.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 3 Methodology building FOCUS: To set up an easily transferable model of analysis and intervention on “vocational tourism”; to provide stakeholders of the tourist supply chain of the areas involved with methodological tools to change from "mass tourism" to more sustainable forms of tourism. RESULTS: Improve good public and private governance as key to changing unsustainable tourism patterns. Prepare the ground towards better matching sustainability requirements in tourism and using its potential for sustainable development. RESPONSIBLE: Province of Rimini

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Tasks Jul-Dec 2005: (ago-sep 05) Under the co-ordination of the Province of Rimini, a desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features will be conducted with the support of all partners. The results will be transformed into two methodology models (oct-nov 05) for the classification of tourists in "vocational communities" and for the classification of the "vocations of the territory" to be piloted in the involved territories; test application will start in dec 05. Tasks Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue til feb. 06. This will produce a classification of tourist segments and of "vocation" of all partner areas. Those matches between a specifc tourist segment and a specific vocation will be used in component 4 to design alternative tourist concepts. The results will generate policy recommendation covering: tourism policy, territorial management policy, environmental policy, to be disseminated through the Network of Cities for Sustainable Tourism. Phase 3 Methodology building

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 4 Investigation and development of new tourist concepts FOCUS: Pilot application of the methodologies developed under component 3 via a detailed survey on the vocations of the territories involved and their actual or potential ability to match the needs of the segments of “vocational tourists” so as to propose innovative tourist concepts/products. RESULTS: identification of niche markets; initiation of regeneration plans in heavly exploited touris areas RESPONSIBLE: Blackpool Borough Council

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 4 Investigation and development of new tourist concepts Tasks Jan-Jun 2006: A set of tourism products developed and tested across all the partner areas (apr - jun 06). These scenarios will be complemented with indications on appropriate social, cultural and ecological limits of every new tourist concepts. Tasks Jul-Dec 2006: In summer (ago 06) Blackpool will complete the investigation and design viable tourist concepts to be tested by the other project partners (sep 06 - dic 07). Blackpool will design a first scenarios of sustainable tourism model/products. The new concepts should meet the needs of economic operators and local people preserving the environment. Tasks Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring and the results (apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be addressed to a list of 50 policy makers per partner area.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 5 Dissemination FOCUS: To increase the environmental awareness of the tourists to lower their impact on the surrounding environment, by means of an educational kit; to strengthen the existing network “Cities for the sustainable tourism”. RESULTS: Knowledge transfer to tourist destinations; guidance on the development of sustainable tourism based on natural and cultural heritage also in non-traditional tourist destinations RESPONSIBLE: ICLEI

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Phase 5 Dissemination Tasks Jan-Jun 2005: A project brochure and relevant press releases concerning the role of sustainability in tourism. Dedicated web-pages. Press conference. Tasks Jul-Dec 2005: All partners will organise 1 restricted focus group. At least on 1 fair participation/semester has to be assured by one partner Tasks Jan-Jun 2006: press-releases and up-date web-pages. At least 1 fair participaition assured. Tasks Jul-Dec 2006: press-releases and up-date web-pages. At least 1 fair participaition assured Tasks Jan-Jun 2007: press-releases and up-date web-pages. 1 seminar per partner region. 3-4 seminars in areas not covered by Suvot Tasks Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists distributed via partners. Articles published both on the ICLEI website and in major magazines.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Roles of the Partners for the all project

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005

Province of Rimini Responsible of the component 1 (all project) Responsible of the component 2 Jan-Jun 2005: Rimini will ask the "old partners" to produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). They will search the content and the LP will assemble it. The LP will single out enterprises present on the territory and interested in being included in the additional study visits. Jul-Dec 2006: In July 05 workshop and study visit will be organised in Rimini. The workshop will follow the following structure: presentation of the Knowledge Resource Guide; open discussion with field experts. Second Day: study visit. A final questionnaire will single out the subjects which could be investigated under component 3 and 4.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Province of Rimini Responsible of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: Under the co-ordination of the Province of Rimini, a desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations will be conducted. The results will be transformed into two methodology models (oct-nov 05) for the classification of tourists in "vocational communities" and for the classification of the "vocations of the territory" to be piloted in the involved territories. Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting until feb. 06. Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Rimini will participate to test a set of tourism products. Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers per partner area.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Province of Rimini Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: Rimini organises a initial press conference to officially launch the project. The translation in italian of the brochure will be carried out. The releases will be used to contact the local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Rimini will organise 1 restricted focus groups with 10 local stakeholders to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured by one of the partners. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participation assured by one partner. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Organisation of 1 of the 3-4 seminars in areas not covered by the project. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be prepared dedicated to the subject: "Sustainable Tourism: the future we want".

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Blackpool Borough Council Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Blackpool Borough Council Responsible of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Blackpool will develop a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06) complemented with indications on social, cultural and ecological limits of tourist concepts. Research activities will concentrate on design of tourist concepts. Jul-Dec 2006: Blackpool will complete the investigation and pass on to the design of viable tourist concepts to be tested by the other project partners (sep 06 - dic 07). Blackpool will design a first scenarios of sustainable tourism model/products. The new concepts should meet the needs of economic operators. Bilateral meetings will be organised with travel agencies, tourist destination agencies and other operators in the tourist chain. Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers per partner area.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Blackpool Borough Council Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: The releases will be used to contact local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Blackpool will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured by one of the partners. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 El Legado Andalusì Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level and tourism enterprises Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 El Legado Andalusì Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: El Legado will test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be addressed to at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: translation in Spanish of the brochure. Jul-Dec 2005: El Legado will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders. At least on 1 fair participation semester assured. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Organisation of 1 of the 3-4 seminars in areas not covered by the project. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Municipality of Kallithea Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level and tourism enterprises Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Municipality of Kallithea Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Kallithea will participate to test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: translation in Greek of the brochure. Jul-Dec 2005: Kallithea will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, policy makers and tourist industry to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured by one of the partners. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one of the partners. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Lloret de Mar will participate to test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: The releases will be used to start contact with the local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Lloret de Mar will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one of the partners. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Comunità Montana del Giovo Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level and tourism enterprises Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Comunità Montana del Giovo Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Giovo will participate to test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: The releases will be used to start contact with the local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Giovo will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one of the partners. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Comune di Bologna Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Exchange of information and expertise Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop and its organisation Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Comune di Bologna Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Bologna will participate to test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: translation in Italian of the brochure. The releases will be used to start contact with the local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Bologna will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one of the partners. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Birstonas Development Agency Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Exchange of information and expertise Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop and organisation Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Birstonas Development Agency Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Birstonas will participate to test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: translation in Lithuanian of the brochure. The releases will be used to start contact with the local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Birstonas will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured by one of the partners. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one of the partners. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Mid Sweden University Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Exchange of information and expertise Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop and organisation Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 Mid Sweden University Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: Mid Sweden will participate to test a set of tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: Piloting will end in spring (jan-feb 07) and the results (mar-apr 07) bundled into information for local governments. A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Participant of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: translation in Swedish of the brochure. The releases will be used to start contact with the local press. Jul-Dec 2005: Mid Sweden will organise 1 restricted focus group with 10 local stakeholders, to start networking. At least on 1 fair participation semester has to be assured by one of the partners. Jan-Jun 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one of the partners. Jul-Dec 2006: At least on 1 fair participaition assured by one partner Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 ICLEI European Secretariat Participant of the component 1 (all project) Participation in all 6 transnational meetings and steering group; Preparation of an activity report (every 6 month); Preparation of a regular audited financial report Participant of the component 2 Exchange of information and expertise Jan-Jun 2005: produce relevant content to develop the Knowledge Resource Guide (jan-apr 05). Jul-Dec 2006: identification of the policy makers attending the workshop and organisation Participant of the component 3 Jul-Dec 2005: desk research on new patterns of consumption and vocations and environmental features. Testing of the models on at least 50 person, including public decision makers at regional level Jan-Jun 2006: Piloting will continue until feb. 06.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 ICLEI European Secretariat Participant of the component 4 Jan-Jun 2006: ICLEI will participate to test tourism products (apr - jun 06). Jan-Jun 2007: A set of recommendations will be issued, and addressed to a list of at least 50 policy makers. Responsible of the component 5 Jan-Jun 2005: A project brochure will be prepared in English by ICLEI. ICLEI will produce press releases concerning the role of sustainabilty in tourism. ICLEI prepares a dedicated web-page on their central website. Jul-Dec 2005: ICLEI continuous to produce up-dated press-releases. ICLEI assures a regular up-dated of the dedicated web-page on their website. ICLEI will prepare list of pertinent fairs in all involved partner regions or countries. Jan-Jun 2006: ICLEI continue to produce up-dated press-releases and up- date the web-pages. Jul-Dec 2006: ICLEI continue to produce up-dated press-releases and up- date the web-pages. Jan-Jun 2007: Organisation of 1 seminar aimed at exchanging best practices. Organisation of 1 of the 3-4 seminars in areas not covered by the project. Jul-Dec 2007: Educational kits for tourists will be distributed to tourists.

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005 BUDGET LINES PER PARTNER

Suvot kick off meeting – Rimini 31 January – 1 February 2005