Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (TEHNE) Bath, Nov WP3 Research and needs analysis M2-M8
Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (TEHNE) Bath, Nov ACTIVITIES Survey content & design agreed - Dec. Translation- Jan. Conduct survey- Febr. Country reports- end of Mar. Present & discuss findings WM2- May Synthesis report- May Translate synthesis report- June
Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (TEHNE) Bath, Nov DELIVERABLES Country reports-March 2012 Synthesis Report-April 2012
Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (TEHNE) Bath, Nov OBJECTIVES To identify the European priorities regarding teaching life skills and the convergence with the national priorities and actions To value the experience gained from other similar initiatives (lessons learned) To identify the needs of vocational teachers, learners and employers regarding life skills To identify the current skills of VET teachers on teaching life skills To identify the appropriate delivery models to suit the target groups
Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (TEHNE) RESEARCH METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS Desk research (European recommendations, national policy documents, national curriculum for VET, similar projects) Surveys – questionnaire for teachers, interviews Bath, Nov. 2011
Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (TEHNE) Bath, Nov QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS Min. of 10 teachers/ trainers per partner (from different areas) OTHER SURVEYS 1 learner group – 8 learners (focus group) Min. of 4 employers (interview) 1 organisation working with disadvantaged young people (interview) - Finalised end Nov. - Translated in Dec. - Applied in Jan/Feb. - Each country report by 15 March 2012