M. Castelaz 1, D. Cline 1, E. Griffin 2, W. Osborn 3 1 PARI; 2 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory; 3 Central Michigan University Preserving America's Astronomical Photographic Heritage - Phase 1 Not-for-profit public foundation Our shared heritage of some 3 million photographic observations is seriously in jeopardy, and astronomy may well lose vital, unrepeatable data dating back over a century. A call for preservation of astronomical plates has been made by the international astronomical community. This project is in response, and aims to establish a national archive for astronomical plates at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) that will Ensure the preservation of North America’s astronomical photographic heritage (Phase 1) and digitize selections of those collections (Phase 2) We describe details of the storage, cleaning and cataloging procedures that have been planned for Phase 1, and provide an overview of what is anticipated for Phase 2. Introduction See for more information Session Wednesday, January 12, AAS 205th Meeting Storage Storage Environment for photographic plates will have fairly constant temperature and humidity. Storage Space at PARI is already equipped with an adequate air-conditioning system and a solid foundation for firm, long-term storage. Storage Enclosures. Plate envelopes that are damaged or corrosive will be replaced by acid- and lignin-free ones. In those cases, original envelopes will be kept separated from the plates. Storage Systems. Collections will be maintained in the original storage cabinets. Collections without adequate cabinets will be stored on steel shelving. Plate cleaning. Emulsion sides will not be touched, identification marks will be preserved. Plate Copies. Plates deemed to be severely at risk such as broken plates plates with emulsion peel plates with fungal growth will be copied photographically as soon as feasible. PARI Located in Western North Carolina 200 acres Former NASA Tracking Station Prepare the storage areas. Appraise all U.S. collections. Test methods for handling, cleaning, preserving and re-storing damaged plates. Develop on-line database and finding aid including log-book and card index sorting. Adopt IAU cataloging and meta-data standards where they exist. Furnish a laboratory for plate examination and measurement. Phase 2 and Beyond KPNO 4-m Plate Basic Steps Establish list of priorities for US collections at risk. Receive at-risk/unwanted collections at PARI. File and enter into database. Scan log-books, observing note-books, manuscripts. Provide public access to completed catalogs. Hold a workshop at PARI to review achievements and plan for Phase 2. Phase 1 Select appropriate digitizing methods and equipment. Digitize selected collections or sub-sets. Continue plate storage and preservation so that every USA collection has a guaranteed safe future either at home or PARI. Establish the PARI preservation and digitizing scheme for astronomy world-wide.