Laboratory/Research Safety
What are the three missions of a university?
Where does an active research group get the money it uses?
What is ‘overhead’ on a grant?
Who is generally considered the senior academic administrator in the university?
What type of chemical will ignite spontaneously upon exposure to air?
What is an acid? (Bronsted-Lowry definition)
What is a base? (Lewis definition)
What are oxidizers?
What are the four routes of exposure?
What is the most likely way to die on the job in the US?
What are the second and third most likely ways to die on the job in the US?
What are the top two most common Worker’s Comp Injury Claims in California?
What is the minimum aisle egress width allowed for any normally occupied work area? (in CCR Title 8)
What is the function of a fume hood?
What is meant by the “flash point”
What chemical fire code hazard classes do you most want to keep apart?
What is the maximum total volume of flammable liquids allowed to be in use - not in a flammable storage cabinet in any single room at any time? (NFPA 45)
Who makes all final decisions about California Fire Code interpretation and Alternate Means?
What is a California Fire Code “Control Area”?
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