Industrialization Spreads Chapter 25 Section 3
Key Terms Stock Corporation
Factors of Success Political stability-1700’s at home the country was a peace, commerce thrived Government support-Parliament passed laws that favored business Growth of private investment-private funding for research and development
Industrialization Spreads Western Europe, Americas Asia and Africa did not industrialize in the 1800’s
Industry and the West Western countries individual freedom a significant force People enjoyed political liberty People could compete Western societies competition as good Wealth and fame was the reward
Industry and the West Westerners exploited other countries to compete Competed to improve inventions or processes
Industry Comes to America Britain outlawed the export of certain machines Forbid skilled craftsman from leaving the country 1760- 1830 Industrial Revolution mainly in Great Britain
Industry comes to the America United States one of the first places to benefit from Industrialization 1791 Alexander Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury) Industrialization would help the United States gain economic independence Wanted government to bribe British citizens to bring knowledge to U.S.
Industry Comes to America Samuel Slater came from Britain Built a model of the water frame in Rhode Island 1793 built Slater’s Mill In Pawtucket Rhode island Became the father of American industry
Industry Comes to America Textile mill technology spreads Lowell Massachusetts becomes the jewel of American Industry Lowell’s mills were forty multistory buildings on a network of 6 miles of canals
Industry Comes to America Lowell first all in one mill Took raw cotton to fiber to finished cloth Hired young single girls Provided good wages and clean housing 10,000 workers employed by 1850
Late Expansion of U.S. Industry 1800’s Northeast experienced industrial growth U.S. was agricultural till end of the Civil War Wealth of natural resources Oil, coal, iron Invention like the electric light bulb and telephone
Late Expansion of U.S. Industry Railroad played a major part Chicago, stock yards Minneapolis’ grain Expanded in late 1800’s A few companies controlled all the railroads
Rise of Corporations Stock-certain rights of ownership Corporation- a business owned by stockholders who share profits, but are not personally responsible for its debts Late 1800’s Standard Oil, John D. Rockefeller Carnegie Steel, Andrew Carnegie
Industry Spreads to Europe 1807 William Cockerill founded a textile factory in Belgium Political unrest delayed industrialization of France 1848 France becomes an industrial power Treaties helped drop trade barriers
Germany Industrializes Politically divided in early 1800’s Ruhr Valley was coal rich Germany began to copy British model Sent children to England to learn industrial management Imported British equipment and engineers
Germany Industrializes Germany build railroads that linked manufacturing cities Germany’s economic strength spurred ability to develop a military Late 1800’s Germany became a industrial and military giant
Expansion Elsewhere in Europe Bohemia developed a spinning industry Spain processed more cotton than Belgium Northern Italy mechanized its textile production Serf labor ran factories in Moscow and Saint Petersburg
Expansion Elsewhere in Europe France had industrial growth after 1830 Industrialization more measured and controlled Agriculture remained strong 1850 France began railway construction Some countries were delayed because of social structures
Industry in Asia Although today Japan is one of the more industrialized nations Took until 1868 for Industrial Revolution to take hold Meiji government came to power modernized the country Japan was ahead of its Asian neighbors
Transformation of Society 1700-1900 revolutions in agriculture, production, transportation, and communication Industrialization gave Europe tremendous economic power Industrialization changed every aspect of life Health and wealth rose dramatically
Transformation of Society Development of the middle class Created opportunities in Education Democratic participation Greater democratic participation in turn, fueled a powerful movement for social reform