Extension to Geoserver for reading ESRI Mapcaches Pär Jonsson Project manager Lantmäteriet, Sweden Mauritz Bomark System architect Lantmäteriet, Sweden FOSS4G 2009, Sidney Friday 23 october Parkside auditorium 62O 62 O north
About Lantmäteriet The leading producer in Sweden of geographic databases and maps. Responsible for property formation and land authority. Provide an extensive amount of geospatial data to the market.
About Lantmäteriet The total staff is approx. 2,000. and 10 % is working at the IT-department. The head office is situated in Gävle, 200 km north of Stockholm
About Lantmäteriet Our annual turnover is approximately 160 euro million. Only 30 percent is revenue from government subsidy
New SDI – in-house department to department New NSDI - government to government PSI – private to government Inspire (EU) - country to country New requirement's and directives concerning geodata Basis for all new requirement's is maps with high availability!
Standardized web map Pretty map Flexible map Fast map Up-to-date map Multi Sweden map Business requirements for viewing services?
Available via WebMapService-interface Support both tiling and non-tiling clients An implementation that fits in our enterprise architecture (java) Standard web map WMS
Pretty map A new map product for screen presentation with: – High quality cartography – Harmonized cartography – Soft colors – Scale dependent symbolization (i.e symbol and text placement) – No manual cartographic treatment Map
Fast map A fast WMS-solution (<1,5 sek) Flexible map A flexible layered WMS-solution WMS server Head office
Up-to-date map Updated maps on a daily basis Fast cartographic treatment in runtime Multi Sweden map Cover Sweden Include data from all 6 map series Map
WMS server Map WMS Production environment Geoserver for serving WMS – Architecture Tile pyramid plugin – Geoservers Geotools Grid Coverage integration – Reads ESRI mapCache Pre rendered tile pyramids – Performance, intelligent updating – Several choices identified – image pyramid & image mosaic, GeoWebCache, Tilecache, mapCache… ESRI’s mapCache feature in ArcGIS server Extensive ESRI use in production lines for our map databases High quality cartography - mxd Design solution TPP
ESRI mapCache format /L00/R f/C jpg – L00: Level ID – R f: Cache tile row in padded hexadecimal format – C jpg: Cache tile column in padded hexadecimal format – conf.xml – meta data (levels, spatial reference, image format, image size, image resolution etc) WMS server Map TPP
Getmap Flow Getmap request passed through Geoserver to the plugin (per layer) – Calculate level in the pyramid – Calculate tiles affected by the requested bbox – Read tiles and create JAI Mosaic – Crop according to bbox – Return GridCoverage to Geoserver Resize to requested resolution Merge layers Return requested image WMS server WMS TPP
Configuring the tile pyramid plugin Configuration parameters Standard Grid Format parameters (SRS, style etc) LevelSelectionInterval (% between layers) LowestValidResolution (m/pixel) MaxImageSize (pixels) WMS server 100% 0% TPP
Experiences of Geoserver and the tile pyramid plugin Server configuration Java 1.6 Native JAI JAI-settings (Geoserver) Garbage Collection (JVM)
Hardware configuration GeoServer Web Server LB WMS Proxy JBOSS Apache JBOSS Dual Core 3Ghz 3 GB RAM JBOSS Dual Core 3Ghz 3 GB RAM
Performance #ThreadsMedian msRequests/sec ms delay #ThreadsMedian msRequests/sec ms delay 512*512 pixels Bilinear rendering PNG
Standard web map, WMS (WMTS) Pretty map, quite pretty map Flexible map, 12 layers Fast map, speed enough! Up-to-date map, intelligent updating is running Sweden is covered! – 1 layer consists of 13 levels (0.5 m/p – 2480 m/p) -> approximately 45 million tiles/layer. – 12 layers -> 540 million tiles. In production since july 2009, with both internal and external use The source code for the Tilepyramid plugin is available! Summary
That’s all Thanks!