CLAY’S DREAM IS TO CREATE A UNIFIED NATION! Nationalism- Create a canal and road system to connect the west to the east. PROTECTIVE TARIFFS used as a way to BUY AMERICAN. Sectionalism- South/West angry because Tariffs raise prices on imports. Canal and road benefit North.
Clay’s American System Nationalism- Roads & Canals - Sectionalism Inventions - Goal to unify the country- help each sections N,S & W develop Cotton Gin- Need more land and Slaves Effort to UNIFY - move goods and people E to W Faster and Cheaper Steam Engine- Leads to industrialization NORTH -manufacturing- for TARIFFS, Diverse industry SOUTH - KING COTTON, Slavery, Opposed Tariffs, Plantations WEST -Opposed Nat’l Bank & Tariffs
HERE IS WHAT GETS ASKED ON THE FINAL: Why did slavery expanded in the South in the first half of the 1800’s? New Inventions, Cotton Gin, lead to increase in cotton production. Why did the North’s have rapid economic growth during the Civil War? Increased demand for many products. How did the completion of the Erie Canal and railroads contributed to the industrial growth of the U.S.? Making the movement of goods and services easier and cheaper What was the result of the development of roads and canals? Migration from east to west increased. The plantation system an important feature in the section of the U.S.? The South. What are the economic differences between the North and South prior to the Civil War? Transportation more developed in North