The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition CHAPTER 11 The Flowering of the Middle Ages 1150–1215 Copyright © 2012 by Bedford/St. Martin’s Lynn Hunt Thomas R. Martin Barbara H. Rosenwein Bonnie G. Smith
I. New Schools and Churches A. The New Learning and the Rise of the University 1. Medieval Learning 2. Abelard and Heloise 3. Peter the Chanter 4. Universities
I. New Schools and Churches B. Architectural Style: From Romanesque to Gothic 1. Romanesque Solidity 2. Gothic Style
II. Governments as Institutions A. England: Unity through Common Law 1. The Accession of Henry II, Royal Authority and Common Law 3. Henry’s Successors 4. Magna Carta, 1215
II. Governments as Institutions B. France: Consolidation and Conquest 1. The Rise of the French Monarchy under Phillip 2. Philip’s Rule
II. Governments as Institutions C. Germany: The Revived Monarchy of Frederick Barbarossa 1. The Hohenstaufens vs. the Welfs 2. New Foundations of Power 3. Frederick and Italy 4. Henry the Lion: Lord and Vassal
II. Governments as Institutions D. Eastern Europe and Byzantium: Fragmenting Realms 1. Political Fragmentation in Eastern Europe: Hungary and Rus 2. The Weakening Byzantine Empire
III. The Growth of a Vernacular High Culture A. The Troubadours: Poets of Love and Play 1. Lyric Poetry in Occitan 2. Troubadours
III. The Growth of a Vernacular High Culture B. The Birth of Epic and Romance Literature 1. The Changing Role of the Warrior 2. The Epic as Vernacular War Poetry 3. The Chivalric Ethic
IV. Religious Fervor and Crusade A. New Religious Orders in the Cities 1. Francis and the Franciscans 2. The Beguines 3. Heresies
IV. Religious Fervor and Crusade B. Disastrous Crusades to the Holy Land 1. The Third Crusade, 1189– The Fourth Crusade, 1202–1204
IV. Religious Fervor and Crusade C. Victorious Crusades in Europe and on Its Frontiers 1. The War in Spain 2. The Northern Crusades 3. The Albigensian Crusade