1. Artists and poets portrayed the struggles of working people 2. Most were about strength of character and democratic values 3. The Federal Art Project paid artists a living wage in order to produce art 4. Artists… › Taught in schools › Painted murals on public buildings › Created posters
5. The Federal Theater Project- provided stage sets and props for theater productions 6. The Federal Writers’ Project- Hired unemployed writers to create… › City guides › Histories of ethnic and immigrant groups › Major study of Southern slavery
Most of the literature and art accurately depicted the Great Depression and the lifestyles But they also gave hope for a better life II. How Art gave a positive or negative view of the Great Depression
1. Grant Wood- created the painting American Gothic 2. Richard Wright- An African American who wrote Native Son 3. The Grapes of Wrath: Written by John Steinbeck about the Dust Bowl in Oklahoma
The New Deal Federal Theater Project The Federal Art Project Federal Writers’ Project
What was Grant Wood’s most famous painting?
A: American Gothic.
Who wrote the Grapes of Wrath?
A: John Steinbeck.