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Presentation transcript:


389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Antiquity

389C.19/History CHINA Dang An

389C.19/History CHINA PracticeCompiled chronicles

389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Antiquity Development of the Concept of Archives, c. 400 B.C. – c. 500 A.D.

389C.19/History GREECE Αρχείο“Archeion” That which belongs to an office.

389C.19/History GREECE PracticesDeposit gives private documents a public authority Authoritative record was the most public record The Notary

389C.19/History ROME Adopted concepts of the Greeks and added concepts of their own.

389C.19/History ROME Terms Filium Tabula Regesta File Tablet Register

389C.19/History ROME PracticesRegistration conveys official status Keeping minutes Emperor destroyed records of predecessor Residencia Regard for provenance

389C.19/History MEDIA Papyrus Wood and wax tablet

389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Antiquity Development of the Concept of Archives, c. 400 B.C. – c. 500 A.D. Dormancy, c

389C.19/History Dormancy PracticesMemory and objects replaced written record as authority Authenticated with wax seal

389C.19/History Dormancy Term“Clerk” derived from clerics who staff chanceries

389C.19/History Dormancy Practices and ConceptsRecords schedule, 800s Case file, c Records as property of the office, 1331 Distinguish current from records of long- term value

389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Antiquity Development of the Concept of Archives, c. 400 B.C. – c. 500 A.D. Dormancy, c Re-emergence of Archives,

389C.19/History RE-EMERGENCE Establishment of well-defined archives Archivo General de Simancas

389C.19/History RE-EMERGENCE Establishment of well-defined archives Archivo General de Simancas Diplomatics, De Re Diplomatica, 1681

389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Establishment of Modern Archival Practice,

389C.19/History ESTABLISHMENT OF MODERN ARCHIVAL PRACTICE Archives Nationales (France), 1794 Concept of “current” and “historical” Archives as expression of nationalism

389C.19/History ESTABLISHMENT OF MODERN ARCHIVAL PRACTICE Basic principles Respect des fonds Provenance—original order Ecole des Chartes, 1832 Dutch manual of practice, 1898

389C.19/History ESTABLISHMENT OF MODERN ARCHIVAL PRACTICE American contribution Collecting documents Printing documents to facilitate use and preservation

389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Establishment of Modern Archival Practice, Redefining Archives and Managing Bulk: Archival Administration and Records Management, c continuing

389C.19/History REDEFINING ARCHIVES AND MANAGING BULK Factors New Media Growth of business and government Spread of literacy

389C.19/History REDEFINING ARCHIVES AND MANAGING BULK Growth in Quantity of Records = 100,000 cubic feet = 500,000 cubic feet 1930s decade = 3.5 million cubic feet 1940s per year = 2 million cubic feet 1960s per year = 4 million cubic feet

389C.19/History REDEFINING ARCHIVES AND MANAGING BULK New kinds of records Memorandum Chart and Graph Directive

389C.19/History REDEFINING ARCHIVES AND MANAGING BULK New practices and concepts Defining archives as historical documents Archival appraisal Records management

389C.19/History REDEFINING ARCHIVES AND MANAGING BULK Records Management Records Disposal Act, 1943 General schedule, 1945 Records Center, 1950 Developed concepts to promote office efficiency, protection

389C.19/History REDEFINING ARCHIVES AND MANAGING BULK Professionalization of records work Royal Dutch Society of Archivists, 1891 Society of American Archivists, 1936 International Council on Archives, 1950 Association of Records Managers and Administrators, 1955

389C.19/History Epochs in the Development of Archival and Records Enterprise Establishment of Modern Archival Practice, Redefining Archives and Managing Bulk: Archival Administration and Records Management, c continuing Age of the Electronic Record, 1980s- continuing

389C.19/History ELECTRONIC RECORDS AGE Machine-readable records Radically new form/media of record

389C.19/History CONCLUSIONS DEPTH AND EXTENT OF CHANGE First: Writing as basis of authentic information, c c Second: Modern concepts of managing records, Third: Electronic record, 1990s-

389C.19/History CONCLUSIONS FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES Defining and establishing ownership of “the record” Authenticity, security, and preservation Adopting, adapting to, and controlling records in new media

389C.19/History CONCLUSIONS FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES Role of archives in society Uses of the term “archives” Managing yet increasing volume of records Role of the archivist/records administrator