KnowWant to know Learned We…
What are some of your favorite poems and who are some of your favorite poets?
Starting this Wednesday… We will have poet’s corner. Please remember to bring copies of some of your favorite poems for our special sharing time!
Ms. Miles loves… …anything Shel Silverstein
The history of Poetry … What does poetry mean? … “making” or “creating” The oldest known poem is… Epic of Gilgamesh Poetry was used throughout history to tell stories and record cultural events
The history of Poetry … Poetry actually led to the creation of newspapers because it was the only way to fit a lot of information in a small area. The sonnet has its history in Europe. The haiku has its history in Japan. In some cultures, creating poems is a game, just like we play Scrabble!
The history of Poetry … The earliest known Western poetry are the Iliad and The Odyssey Walt Whitman produced what is called free-verse style: a poem that does not have a specific style or structure.
Please Remember… We will have a brief quiz on the history of poetry on Monday…
Wordy Wednesday…
Poet’s Corner… Every Wednesday, we will have a poet’s corner during literature time where we will all take turns sharing our favorite poems. Please continually bring copies of your favorite poems, from the library or from home, to share!
Thursday …
Who are poets ? What makes a poet ? The dictionary defines poets as someone who writes a poem. Here’s a question for you… Are musicians poets, too? Are their songs similar to poems?
Meet the POET…
Let’s RESEARCH! Please take this time to learn about poets, old AND new. Listed on the next slide are some links you can use to learn about poets, but don’t be afraid to search on your own. We will all share tomorrow at school during our literature time. Things you should find: What kind of poetry they like, are their poems funny or serious, how long have they been writing, and so on.
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Let’s share… We are going to take this time to share what you have learned about your poet!
Skype the Poet Today, we are going to Skype the poet Josie Whitehead. Josie writes poems to be used especially in the classroom. She writes them for all occasions and all seasons. Get your questions ready! We are going to interview her!