Character analysis of Hector: (Theme: Art & Literature) Katie & Anisah
“1914” – Larkin Hector often quotes poetry and this particular poem by Larkin is quoted on page 27. The poem is about how the Great War destroyed everything that was once sweet and innocent in life, such as the happiness and youth of men. This is an example of Hector getting the boys to think about situations beyond their experience. It could also symbolise that Hector, through his inappropriate gestures on the motorbike, is gradually taking the boys’ innocence away from them too. Another idea is that Hector was once happy and satisfied in his own life (marriage), although now he finds himself trapped in his own sexuality and troubled situation.
Hector’s escapism Hector could also possibly be using art and literature as a way of escapism, losing himself in an another world in order to escape the claustrophobic trap of his own life which makes him unhappy. This could explain why he holds art and literature so dear to his heart; these poets and authors are people who do not judge him and sharing their experiences provides him with comfort. An example in the text of the sadness he feels is when he explains the poem “Drummer Hodge” by Thomas Hardy to Posner. It shows he regrets his miserable life. The line “lost boy- though he is” symbolises Hector himself and indicates that despite his middle-aged exterior he is actually a somewhat frightened boy at heart with many issues.