FROM A FORMAL PARITY TO A REAL PARITY: THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case Livia RICCIARDI Cisl Confederale Dipartimento Mercato del Lavoro
THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case AIMS OF THIS REPORT 4 Explain the provisions 4 Provide data over the presence and work of the immigrants in Italy 4 Expound the role of the Union 4 Present a concrete experience for the work of the immigrants
THE PROVISIONS: PLANNING THE MIGRATORY FLOWS. Only during the last months Italy set organic rules over the entry and work of the immigrants triennial programmatic document. A triennial programmatic document has been introduced for the immigration policy which identifies the general criteria to determine the immigration flows and the connected implementation of the policies. annual decrees. The immigration quota (for work) is set through one or more annual decrees and eventually reserved quotas are assigned to non EU countries with which Italy has reached agreements on the entry flows THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
THE PROVISIONS: entries in Italy for work under employment contract Request by name from the employer. Request by name from the employer for Ministry of Labour offices, for seasonal work too (or demand to booking lists constituted in countries with which Italy has reached agreements). The offered conditions cannot be different from those set by the collective agreement. It provides a residence permit for work under employment contract of no more than two years. Request by name from a sponsor. Request by name, within 60 days from the publication of the decrees on the quotas, to the Police Headquarters from a sponsor, who has to prove he/she can afford lodging and maintenance. It provides, subject to prior inscription to the employment office, a residence permit for one year to enter Labour Market. Entry visa to enter Labour market for workers resident abroad and registered in special lists. Entry visa to enter Labour market for workers resident abroad and registered in special lists at the Italian diplomatic representation. THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
THE PROVISIONS: entries in Italy for seasonal work. The employer or the trade associations must present a request by name to the offices of the Ministry of Labour (or request to the booking list). The authorisation for the seasonal work can be valid from 20 days to six months, or nine months in certain sectors, and it is also valid for groups of works of a shorter period.. The seasonal worker who respects the conditions written in the residence permit and comes back to the place of origin at the deadline, will have the precedence compared with his/her fellow-citizens to come back in Italy the next year for a seasonal work. THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
THE PROVISIONS: entries in Italy for autonomous work Entry visa for autonomous work is released without the reciprocity condition, as far as the foreigner can prove: * to have money to run the activity * to have the prerequisites as provided by the Italian law in order to run his/her activity * to have a proper lodging and a minimum annual wage (or an equivalent guaranty) THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
THE PROVISIONS: the ongoing regularisation regularisation for the work or the familiar rejoining The decree for the programming of the migratory flows for the 1998 established a regularisation for the work or the familiar rejoining of non Community foreigners already present in Italy. Foreigners interested in obtaining a residence permit for work must present the application to the police Headquarters before , equipped with: * documentation about the effective presence in Italy before * a work under employment contract or collaboration contract * proper documentation about his/her lodging THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
It seems evident that, in addition to the data over the presence of irregular workers, there is a deficit in the insurance coverage with respect to the consistency of the foreign presence. DATA: PRESENCE IN ITALY AND WORK UP TO 01/01/ ongoing residence permits (minors are not registered) foreigners registered in the Municipal Registry Office registered from INPS (National Institute for Social Insurance) as workers. Between and irregular presence THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
THE UNION: Anolf -Cisl (National association beyond the frontiers) The engagement of the Union has been directed particularly toward: 4 Awaken public opinion about the problems connected to the migratory phenomenon with the aim of checking intolerance and racism; 4 Identify irregular work of immigrants through the activation of the residence permit for those who can prove a form of work contract 4 Regulation of seasonal work In order to meet these needs, CISL favoured and sustained the creation of Anolf (National Association Beyond the Frontiers) which is present in 78 capitals of the province and opened 250 helping points. THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
THE UNION: Anolf -Cisl (National association beyond the frontiers) Anolf-Cisl distinguished itself in the realisation of a series of initiatives: 4 A capillary diffusion of Anolf at the local level; 4 Informative and training initiatives to spread and valorise the culture of the immigrants’ native countries and to manage campaigns of solidarity; 4 The participation of the immigrants to the union bodies and to the management of the services; 4 The creation of the Centres for immigrants’ services; 4 The development of training courses dedicated to the immigrants. THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case
CGIL CISL UIL City of Rome This is as experience proposed by CGIL CISL UIL in accordance with the City of Rome, in order to promote the introduction in the labour market of the immigrants through informing, orienting and training initiatives. THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case AN EXPERIENCE: Chances agency Chances has two experts of the labour market and 6 operators, among whom 3 mobile, with the task to reach the immigrants directly in their communities
organisation of training courses on “how to look for work” One of the most important activities of Chances is the organisation of training courses on “how to look for work” (how to write a curriculum, how to present oneself and manage a job interview, which opportunities are present in the labour market). individual talking At the end of the courses, individual talking will be organised. informed over the training courses organised by the connected state agencies, the firms which are implementing assumption policies and the schools of Italian language. The immigrants will be informed over the training courses organised by the connected state agencies, the firms which are implementing assumption policies and the schools of Italian language. THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case THE QUESTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT the italian case AN EXPERIENCE: Chances agency