October 14, 2011
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Failure to follow-up with employers for earnings information Lack of aggressive employer communications Claimant Causes Reports earnings in week paid vs. week earned Fails to understand the process Fraud Employer Causes Hires not reported to SDNH or NDNH Slow or no response to request for earnings information 2
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned action(s) to address lack of employer response and claimant’s failure to report earnings: NDNH Crossmatch claimant self-service lock Develop correspondence to claimant for NDNH hit Employer Outreach – for response to agency Update BRI, Website Employer online response to wage information Employer online notice of separations and refusals Principal milestones: December
Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Insufficient separation investigation/adjudication Workload/Backlog Inadequate staff training/feedback Claimant Causes Failure to provide requested information Incorrect initial reason for separation Incomplete employment history/undeclared separations Employer Causes Failure to provide timely/complete information Inadequate record keeping by employer Failure to participate in Appeals hearings 4
Separations: Planned action(s) to address: SIDES (December 2011) SEW (SIDES Employer Website) (March 2012) Staff training Operations Analysis (continuous mini-BTQ’s) (October 2011) Enhanced BAM/BTQ feedback (October 2011) 5
6 Issue 1:Benefit Year Earnings State Specific Root Cause(s) identified in the National Focus Additional Planned action(s) to address issue: Crossmatch with MS Workers Compensation Commission Enhance UI system to interface with IBIQ/SID during claims intake to prevent duplicate claims Enhanced self-service locks to force claimant contact with agency Infrastructure enhancements to the IVR and UI systems Principle milestones Worker’s Compensation Crossmatch – in effect Interface and enhancements – September 2012
7 Issue 2: Separations and Eligibility State Specific Root Cause(s) identified in the National Focus Additional planned actions to address the issue: Improve timeliness of separation issues (September 2012) Earlier detection of eligibility issues to prevent/reduce overpayments (July 2012) Planned action(s) to address issue Enhance the UI and IVR systems to develop an effective case management system Additional staff training for more comprehensive eligibility reviews and focus on work search requirements and results
Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity: Encourage every staff member to… Engage and participate in the UI Integrity functions in their area of responsibility and response to customers To actively protect the validity of the overall UI process Develop processes to… Encourage staff to freely communicate ideas/solutions Incorporate “UI Integrity” in the training process Continuation of the UI Integrity Task Force team Maintain management oversight by… Increased notification/sharing of BAM/BTQ findings Recognizing training needs Monitor, provide guidance, make recommendations to ensure goals are met. 8
Communications Strategies: Create a multi-layered messaging campaign to advise customers of the UI and ES program requirements: Update Website Outreach/mailers Modify IVR system Employer Handbook Staff meetings News releases Public Service announcements Provide information and respond to inquiries from state leaders 9
“Integrity: Own It!” State Contact for follow-up: Cindy Weir: Phone: