ASEAN – Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP) Phase II Regional Workshop for the Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals Presentation of Project Interim Report Friday, 21st September 2012, Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort and Spa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
AFTERNOON REFRESHMENTS/END OF DAY 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY REGIONALWORKSHOP REGIONAL WORKSHOP AT SHERATON MUSTIKA YOGYAKARTA RESORT AND SPA YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA, 21 – 22 SEPTEMBER 2012 Time Agenda Item Speakers DAY 1 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2012 REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REGIONAL SECRETARIAT FOR ASEAN TOURISM PROFESSIONALS 9.00 – 9.15 am Welcome by Host Country Rep I Gusti Putu Laksaguna Inspector General, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Republic of Indonesia 9.15 – 9.30 am Introduction Eddy Krismeidi Senior Officer, ASEAN Secretariat Wayne Crosbie Project Director 9.30 – 10.30 am Presentation of findings arising from Feasibility Study national workshops Wayne Crosbie Scott Eccleston, Project Manager 10.30 – 11.00 am MORNING BREAK 11.00 am – 12.00 pm Presentation of the recommendations addressing the needs of the project Wayne Crosbie Scott Eccleston LUNCH 2.00 – 3.00 pm Endorsement of recommendations 3.00 – 4.00 pm Summary of Outcomes and Close of Workshop Eddy Krismeidi Wayne Crosbie Scott Eccleston AFTERNOON REFRESHMENTS/END OF DAY 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY REGIONALWORKSHOP FS Regional Workshop 2012
Project Team Director – Wayne Crosbie FS Regional Workshop 2012 Project Team Director – Wayne Crosbie Project Manager – Scott Eccleston Chief Writer – Alan Hickman Project Research Manager – Alana Harris ASEAN MRA Consultant – Ida Trisnasari Desktop Production Coordinator – Daniel Chee Project Logistics Coordinator – Carmell Casely.
Project Team AMS Workshops & Field Study FS Regional Workshop 2012 Project Team AMS Workshops & Field Study Director – Wayne Crosbie Project Manager– Scott Eccleston ASEAN Secretariat representative– Eddy Krismeidi Desktop Production Coordinator – Daniel Chee.
National Workshops Round 1 – August 2012 Viet Nam – 2 to 3 August FS Regional Workshop 2012 National Workshops Round 1 – August 2012 Viet Nam – 2 to 3 August Thailand – 6 to 7 August Myanmar – 9 to 10 August Lao PDR – 13 to 14 August
National Workshops Round 2 – Aug/Sept 2012 Singapore – 23 to 24 August FS Regional Workshop 2012 National Workshops Round 2 – Aug/Sept 2012 Singapore – 23 to 24 August Cambodia – 27 to 28 August Indonesia – 30 to 31 August Philippines – 3 to 4 September Malaysia – 6 to 7 September Brunei – 10 to 11 September
Methodology AMS Introduction Covering Letter FS Regional Workshop 2012 Methodology AMS Introduction Covering Letter WAI Feasibility Project Team Introduction details National Workshop Agenda Pre Workshop Feasibility Study Questionnaire Workshop set up information and requirements Day 1 Workshops Day 2 Field Study
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Workshop Set Up
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Attendees Government, including representatives of Ministries responsible for: Tourism - Education/Training - Labour/Manpower Education / Training Organizations Travel sector inclusive of Travel Agents, Airlines and Tour Operators Hospitality sector inclusive of Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs Industry Associations/Peak Bodies
MRA on Tourism Professionals FS Regional Workshop 2012 MRA on Tourism Professionals MRA was adopted on 8 January 2009 in Ha Noi, during the 12th Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers Objectives of MRA: To facilitate mobility of Tourism Professionals and To exchange information on best practices in competency-based education and training for Tourism Professionals and to provide opportunities for cooperation and capacity building across ASEAN Member States.
Benefits of MRA on Tourism Professionals FS Regional Workshop 2012 Benefits of MRA on Tourism Professionals Facilitate mobility of tourism professionals based on the tourism competency qualification/ certificate Enhance conformity of the competency based training/education Skills recognition Improve the quality of tourism human resources (graduates are ready to work in the industry) Enhance the quality of tourism services.
Hotel Services Front Office Food Production Front Office Manager FS Regional Workshop 2012 Hotel Services Front Office Food Production Front Office Manager Executive Chef Front Office Supervisor Demi Chef Receptionist Commis Chef Telephone Operator Chef de Partie Bell Boy Commis Pastry House Keeping Baker Executive Housekeeper Butcher Laundry Manager Food and Beverage Service Floor Supervisor F&B Director Laundry Attendant F&B Outlet Manager Room Attendant Head Waiter Public Area Cleaner Bartender Waiter
Travel Services Travel Agencies Tour Operation General Manger FS Regional Workshop 2012 Travel Services Travel Agencies Tour Operation General Manger Product Manager Assistant General Manager Sales and Marketing Manager Senior Travel Consultant Credit Manager Travel Consultant Ticketing Manager Tour Manager
Infrastructure Required for MRA on Tourism Professionals FS Regional Workshop 2012 Infrastructure Required for MRA on Tourism Professionals Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals Regional Organisations Regional Monitoring Body (ASEAN Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee) Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum Regional Secretariat Framework of Curriculum National Organisations Description of Curriculum National Tourism Certification Board Regional Qualification Framework and Recognition System National Tourism Professionals Board Toolboxes Tourism Professionals Registration System (a web-based facility)
Follow-up Implementation Requirements FS Regional Workshop 2012 Follow-up Implementation Requirements Review of ACCSTP Framework and Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum Design and prepare (build) the ASEAN Tourism Professional Registration System (ATPRS) including the ASEAN Qualifications Equivalent Matrix based on ACCSTP and CATC Establishment of ATPMC (ASEAN Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee) and representatives of each member states in ATPMC Development of Training Tool Box, including training system, training model, training material and learning material as well as assessment material Assistance to the Least Develop Country (LDC) in implementing MRA on Tourism Professionals Development of Train of Trainer (TOT) Program for Master Trainer, Trainers, Master Assessors and Assessors Establishment of Regional Secretariat to facilitate the implementation of MRA on Tourism Professionals Develop new competency standards
Mechanism of MRA for Tourism Professionals FS Regional Workshop 2012 Mechanism of MRA for Tourism Professionals Assessment Country A Country B Certification ATPMC NTPB B NTPB A TPCB NTPB ATPRS Matching Matrix Verification Job Opportunities Job Interview Work Permit Job Seeker Registration [CATC]
Feasibility Study Major Objectives FS Regional Workshop 2012 Assess the need on behalf of the ASEAN Tourism Professionals Monitoring Committee (ATPMC) for the establishment of a Regional Secretariat and whether it is the best option to respond to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) requirements? If not the best option what are other alternatives? If the best option - Identify how the secretariat should operate, processes and mechanisms, and how to position itself to best support the work of the APTMC and related institutions
Feasibility Study Major Objectives FS Regional Workshop 2012 How to support the work of the ASEAN Tourism Professionals Monitoring Committee (ATPMC) and related institutions to implement the MRA Recommend the nature of the commitment and resources that will be required from the stakeholders for the Regional Secretariat to operate effectively Identify potential funding sources and required commitment from ASEAN Member States (AMS) to support the proposed Secretariat Secured commitments prior to the establishment of the Secretariat to increase effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the Secretariat
Project Deliverable Feasibility Study FS Regional Workshop 2012 ATPMC to make an informed decision on the establishment of a Regional Secretariat Recommend the best model to support the implementation of the MRA for Tourism Professionals.
Interim Report Executive Summary Part 1 - Background to Project FS Regional Workshop 2012 Executive Summary Part 1 - Background to Project Part 2 – Feasibility Study Project Outline Feasibility Study Project Team Feasibility Study Project Objectives Feasibility Study Project Deliverables Feasibility Study Project Process & Reporting Part 3 - AMS Workshops Action Plan and Methodology Part 4 - AMS Workshops Findings and Outcomes Part 5 - Recommendations - Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals.
Interim Report Part 6 – Annexes FS Regional Workshop 2012 Part 6 – Annexes Annex A - Regional Workshop Attendees Lists Annex B - WAIFPT Workshop Introduction email and objectives Annex C- Workshop Introduction Email Attachments Annex D - Introduction Feasibility Study Power Point Annex E - Workshops (10) Consolidate Q & A Responses Annex F - Day 2 AMS Field Study Meetings Schedules Annex G - Overview AMS Understanding MRA Annex H - Regional Secretariat Host Country Selection Process Annex I - Proposed Regional Secretariat Organisational Chart Annex J - Proposed Website Content Example.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The sectors of the Tourism Industry represented in the findings and outcomes are: Government, including representatives of Ministries responsible for: Tourism - Education/Training - Labour/Manpower Education / Training Organizations Travel sector inclusive of Travel Agents, Airlines and Tour Operators Hospitality sector inclusive of Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs Industry Associations/Peak Bodies.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The majority of participants in AMS were not familiar with the MRA and subsequently the implementation of the MRA. The following AMS had a good understanding of the MRA: Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Singapore. In other AMS on average the majority of participants were not aware of the MRA.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes
Findings and Outcomes FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes There was widespread AMS agreement that the Tourism Industry would benefit from the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for Tourism professionals to assist with Implementation of the MRA.
Findings and Outcomes The benefits identified were: FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The benefits identified were: Focus on training, assessment and qualifications regionally Implementation of the MRA Regional Secretariat be able to benchmark the implementation of the MRA between the AMS Employment opportunities for Tourism Professionals Quality Assurance for the ASEAN Tourism Professionals Registration System (ATPRS) Communications between AMS
Findings and Outcomes The benefits identified were: FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The benefits identified were: Communications with Industry and the private sector Industry news and events Database Management Tourism Training Resource Centre Share best practice and new initiatives for tourism and hospitality between AMS AMS working together to increase ASEAN share of world tourism
Findings and Outcomes The benefits identified were: FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The benefits identified were: Facilitate Government motivation to support Tourism Boards Stakeholders buy into the process.
Findings and Outcomes Barriers identified were: Funding FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Barriers identified were: Funding Different languages, cultures and religions Understanding of the MRA Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System (RQFSRS) 100% support from AMS
Findings and Outcomes Barriers identified were: FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Barriers identified were: Legislation – e.g. work permits Maintaining quality assurance through ATPRS Potential resistance and lack of support from Industry Human Resources – the challenge of finding an effective CEO and Management team.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Were there any other alternatives or recommendations from the stakeholders to the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals implementation of the MRA? There were no recommendations or general consensus to report on an alternative to the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals to support the implementation of the MRA There was general agreement that the ”Secretariat Model” is a proven and understood framework for going forward in the AMS.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Which AMS should host the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals? “This was the most lively discussion point with all of the AMS.” The questions posed around this discussion point were: Would each AMS offer to be the host country for the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals and if so what benefits could each AMS provide? What other country would each of the AMS Workshops support to host the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals and why?
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The most efficient process for communications between Tourism Professionals and the Regional Secretariat and services to be provided It was understood and unanimously agreed that the most efficient communications process for the Regional Secretariat and for the implementation of the MRA that an online / web based communication system has to be developed Website E - News and events were supported and potentially the development of a smart phone application for Tourism Professionals was discussed and supported
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes There was a strong suggestion to establish Tourism Training Resource Centres in each AMS reporting directly back to the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals and assist with implementation of the MRA on a day to day basis Provide a location for Tourism Professionals to have access to the internet and utilise the services provided online and undertake training initiatives offered from the Centre. There would also be an expectation for the Regional Secretariat to facilitate Regional workshops on a regular basis attended by all relevant stakeholders
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The agreed critical services / divisions required to provide the Regional Secretariat to operate effectively are as follows: Training Services Database / I.T. Systems Member Services Industry Liaison Consulting / Other Finance and Administration.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Recommendations of how to make the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals financially sustainable: AMS Host Country contributions AMS establishment assistance (Government) Online registration of Tourism professionals, graduates, Industry personnel Smartphone Applications Industry Services (membership/subscriptions ) Training Provision.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Consulting Services to Industry, Government, Education and Training providers Commissions received for employment placements Sponsorship Advertising Events operation and management Non-AMS memberships (North and South Asia, Middle East, Europe, Australia etc).
Findings and Outcomes Strengths or Weakness of other Secretariats? FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Strengths or Weakness of other Secretariats? Generally there was a lack of exposure across the AMS Workshops and Field Study with any other Secretariats and Regional bodies.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Other general comments and or recommendation that were noted and recorded for consideration from the AMS Workshops and Field Study for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals: The Secretariat needs to be resourced appropriately from the beginning or it will not be effective It needs to be operated as a commercial business model by management and staff with experience from both the public and private sectors Management ideally should have working experience across the AMS
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes Government must assist with improving efficiencies with work permits for Tourism Professionals Ensure that any seed feeding provided to the Secretariat by Government does not impact negatively on the existing funding for Tourism organisations and boards Different countries have different levels of budget available so the setting up of the Secretariat should not be a drain on national resources for AMS The regional secretariat should improve the human resource capability of Tourism Professionals
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Findings and Outcomes The services provided and benefits received need to be transparent and must be for all AMS and not just accrue to the Host country The Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals could operate in a virtual office environment Consider offering the MRA to other countries/regions.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations That based on the high degree of support for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals from the AMS Stakeholders that the ATPMC formalise the implementation of the Regional Secretariat. That the host country for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals based on the AMS Regional Secretariat host country criteria be Indonesia.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations That the proposed organisational chart to manage and operate the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals be considered and adopted. Recommend the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals with the following operational divisions: Training Services Data Base/I.T. Systems Member Services Industry Liaison Consulting / other Finance & Administration.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations That the in principle host country offer of incentives from Indonesia be negotiated and accepted to meet the establishment and operating expenses of a Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals for the first two (2) years.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations That the implementation process to establish the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals be staged: Stage 1 - Finance, Training and I.T. Divisions Stage 2 - Membership Services Stage 3 - Industry, Consulting.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations The Chairman selected by the ATPMC needs to have excellent Government and industry knowledge and experience. It is imperative that the CEO appointment must bring with it a high level of experience in the education and tourism industries and demonstrate the other qualities expected of a CEO at this level. An advantage would also be an excellent knowledge of the AMS and their cultures.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations Consideration be given for the Training Services Division to be managed on behalf of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals by WAI to ensure there is a capable and qualified resource of managing the regional tasks outlined for this Division. These major tasks to address and to support the MRA implementation are: Implementation of the Recommendations from the Gap Analysis project
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations Using the ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals (ACCSTP) as the basis for National Competency Standards particularly where no National Standards currently exist Competency Based Training (CBT) and Competency Based Assessment (CBA) be implemented The ASEAN Qualifications Equivalence Matrix (AQEM) be continuously maintained and updated Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC) be the basis of minimum Industry Standards for National Qualifications Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System (RQFSRS) be recognised and utilised.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations WAI has a history of working with ASEAN and the existing partnerships WAI has throughout the ASEAN region and resources could be utilised to advantage: Singapore – WDA, WAI Tourism CET Centre Malaysia - Berjaya University College of Hospitality Thailand – Dusit Thani College Vietnam – Danang University and ELI (English Language Institute) Philippines – Lyceum of Philippines University.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations Included in the Training Services Division responsibilities will be the establishment of the proposed Tourism Training Resource Centres in each AMS. Recommend these to be funded for a maximum of 2 years by each AMS. At the end of year 2 the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals will need to be self funding and would then divert portions of revenue to support the AMS Tourism Training Resource Centres in each AMS. Anticipating revenues increasing significantly between years 3 to 5 then further investment can be made.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations Critical to the future success of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals and implementation of the MRA is the establishment of an ASEAN Tourism Professionals Secretariat Website with a proposed domain name such as
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations That the Stakeholder outcomes and findings included in the Final Report be taken up by the CEO on the Establishment of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism Professionals. On the basis and acceptance of the Interim Report on the Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals by the ATPMC, a budget and cost plan on the establishment of the Regional Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia will be developed with Indonesia and included in the Final Report in November 2012.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations The Final Report will include recommendations on the establishment of and organizational structures for the proposed AMS Tourism Training Resources Centres for AMS consideration for funding support for a maximum of 2 years. The existing WAI partnerships in the AMS be explored and considered as options to be included to house Tourism Training Resources Centres in these AMS. This will be a cost effective solution and also enable the Centres to be immediately productive. Alternative Centres can be considered in the remaining AMS.
FS Regional Workshop 2012 Recommendations Included in the Final Report will be a (5) year operating budget for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals with supporting revenue information and sources.
Feasibility Process Summary FS Regional Workshop 2012 Feasibility Process Summary Inception Report – March 2012 Workshops and Field Studies AMS– August / September 2012 Interim Report – September 2012 Draft Final Report – October 2012 Final Report – November 2012.
End of Feasibility Study Interim Report Presentation Thank you