What are we really assessing? January 26, 2013 Martha Pero Hudson City Schools
History “I took four years of … and I can’t say a word!” Conversations at conferences NCATE requirements- Advanced low Lack of true proficiency OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) WPT (Writing Proficiency Test)
Learning curve In the heart of practice What they remember Where they begin
Same old, same old? Change in standards focus original more communicative
Same old, same old? Change in philosophy of what students need to know to be successful– 21 st Century Skills “Among the key required skills of our time include the ability to work collaboratively with people from different countries or geographic regions. Students need greater sensitivity to different cultures and languages, including more exposure to languages. They need to build such skills through real-world experiences and projects. Thoughtful use of new and emerging technologies is one way for this to happen.” ---Curtis Bonk, THE WORLD IS OPEN
Ohio Standards Ohio Department of Education
Ohio Standards Ohio Department of Education
Ohio Standards Ohio Department of Education
Ohio Standards Ohio Department of Education
Same old, same old? Have we changed our assessments?
example of an exam Goals for the chapter Describe getting ready for a special event Talk about daily routines Describe people and things Express possession Understand cultural perspectives on clothing Are we testing this? interpretive? interpersonal? presentational?
Past experience Example of test Fill-in verb, adjective = look at subject or noun and put the correct ending…. Comprehension? Multiple choice Listen for the one word that gives the clue….comprehension? Vocabulary fill- in Reading Writing Listening
Past experience Oral- Maybe evaluated once a quarter? Culture (if we have time) Test created by book or after lessons are completed Backward design????
Same old, same old? Let’s finish the bridge and cross over.
Formative or summative?
New experience Start with the assessment goals I can... Talk about my school telling what I like and dislike Talk with a kid in the Dominican Republic and compare our schools Talk about what I really like to do and do after the bell rings Talk about some of the people I know (and ones I wish I didn’t know) ETC. Whatever captures your students’ interest according to their age.
Teach The grammar Conocer/saber Vocabualry Hace..que más que... etc. The culture of the schools Talk, talk, talk, Ask and answer questions Skype
Formative assessments Vocabulary quiz Saber/conocer quiz Stem changing verb quiz Etc.
Summative assessment Sit in group and talk about school with classmates and me. Answer and ask questions. Listen to the conversation and answer, summarize anything that makes them listen to the whole, not specific tiny words Not multiple choice Write a letter to your host family that you are going to visit in the summer. Show me what you have learned. Impresiona a la Sra. Assessment sampleAssessment sample
Summative assessment Read the article about the grading system and tell me if you like it or would it be better to keep the one we have. Or tell me what is different between their system our ours. Skype and communicate with a native speaker. Write a letter to your mom about how your school is different that your “host” family.
LinguaFolio You will make an account Language Biography (3 components) Language Background Interculturality Self-Assessment Checklists Language Dossier Language Passport
Purpose Document language background Reflection on where you are and where you want to go Take portfolio to college and/or job interview Will be used by the teacher to know at which level to test you on an integrated performance assessment
Tips Answer honestly Not going to be able to answer all –no problem! Not a test Not a grade, but can affect your grade when the appropriate test is chosen to give you.
LinguaFolio Three parts Language Biography (3 components) Language Background Interculturality Self-Assessment Checklists Language Dossier Language Passport NCSSFL
Language Background Learning Inventory "How Do I Learn" Documenting Language Background (optional templates) Learning Summary Language Activities
Interculturality Interculturality refers to the interaction of people from different cultures, using authentic language appropriately to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the cultures. Interculturality
Self-assessment checklists Interpretive Listening Checklist Interpretive Reading Checklist Interpersonal Communication Checklist Presentational Writing Checklist Presentational Speaking Checklist
Self-assessment checklists (by the end of the year) 1 Novice mid 2 Novice high 3 Intermediate low 4 Intermediate mid AP Intermediate high
Tip Checklists go to level superior You are not there! Stop when you cannot answer yes to three in a row.
Dossier If you have any files on your server that would back up any of the “I can” statements, upload them to Google Drive PowerPoints essays (take pic with phone cam and ) recorded conversations etc.
Instructions Open Google Drive in FireFox Sign in with password is your birthday Create a folder called LinguaFolio Go to ncssfl.org/secure in another window Go to Biography Start with b Learning inventory in Word (don’t do cover page) Fill in Save as PDF (add your name to the file already there) on desktop in temporary storage folder. Drag file into the LinguaFolio folder on the Google Drive. (have both windows open) Follow procedures for the rest of the files
IPA (Integrated Proficiency Assessment)
Integrated Performance Assessments Theme schools Read about grading systems/classes/ etc. Skype with student in another country Do a Venn diagram of comparisons and write a paragraph about which the student would prefer
Integrated Performance Assessments Theme- shopping and clothes Have students go to a store’s website Talk with partners about what they found on sale or what they are going to buy Write an to mom about the cool stores in Madrid and what you found to buy online.
Sample IPA South Carolina File South CarolinaFile
Vertical articulation Whether you are the only teacher, or you work in a group, you need to articulate vertically so you know what is expected at each level. Start with your highest level and have all teachers involved in the decisions. Create rubrics or use the ones from ACTFL
Student Learning Objectives Teacher evaluation 50% on student performance Ohio Department of Education
Student Learning Objectives Ohio Department of Education
ODE site Google ODE Educator Evaluation Student Growth Measures (learn more) All the documents you need are there Student Learning Objectives Guidebook SLO Scoring Template Example of annotated World Language SLO
Student Learning Objectives Doable Don’t back yourself into a corner that will be too difficult to measure Allow room for all students to succeed and grow Keep records Don’t make more than 1 the first year Don’t recreate the wheel, work collaboratively
Self-assessment checklists 1 = 70% 2 = 80% 3 = 90% of “I can” statements 1 Novice mid 1, 2, 3 2 Novice high 1,2, 3 3 Intermediate low 1,2, 3 4 Intermediate mid 1,2, 3 AP Intermediate high 1,2, 3
Wiki slo2013.wikispaces.com/
Thanks to ACTFL Paul Sandrock Wisconsin Department of Public Education Ohio Department of Education My students and colleagues for helping me learn all of this!