Sing of Your Great Love Paul Wilbur. All that is within me Lord will bless Your Holy Name I live my life to worship you alone You brought me out darkness.


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Presentation transcript:

Sing of Your Great Love Paul Wilbur

All that is within me Lord will bless Your Holy Name I live my life to worship you alone You brought me out darkness and into your glorious light Forever I will sing of your great love Forever I will sing of your great Love All that is within me Lord will bless Your Holy Name I live my life to worship you alone

All that is within me Lord will bless Your Holy Name I live my life to worship you alone You brought me out darkness and into your glorious light Forever I will sing of your great love Forever I will sing of your great Love You brought me out darkness and into your glorious light

All that is within me Lord will bless Your Holy Name I live my life to worship you alone You brought me out darkness and into your glorious light Forever I will sing of your great love Forever I will sing of your great Love Forever I will sing of your great love Forever I will sing of your great Love

I love to see you glorified to see you lifted high I yearn to see all nations bow their knee

It you alone Lord Yeshua who can cause the coldest heart

To find your love and everlasting peace To find your love and everlasting peace

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord

For your trumpet will sound and the heavens will know That the time is finally come

For your bride to take her place and we’ll hear the angels sing…

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord

All the earth will sing and that’s in the heavens and that’s underneath

They will declare the goodness of the Lord

All the trees of the field will clap their hands

Joy everlasting and they’ll speak of their joy

For your trumpet will sound and the heavens will know That the time is finally come

For your bride to take her place and we’ll hear the angels sing…

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord