Write down the three most important things to you in the world
Introduce yourself to someone in the room that you do not know. Spend five minutes getting to know them. You may ask questions about the items on your list but you may not answer questions on these topics. You must be vague in response and try to change the subject. (Taken from UMSL Safe Zone Program)
Safe Zone Mission Our mission, in accordance with Southwestern Illinois College’s mission statement, is to promote education, acceptance, and confidential support of gender and sexual diversity.
Safe Zone Goals Our goals are to: 1) Promote acceptance and respect for people who are gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex and/or cross-dressers. 2) Provide a safe, confidential, and supportive environment for all members of the college family. Safe Zone is a program which identifies faculty and staff who will provide empathy, acceptance, support and resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, cross-dressing, and intersex students. The Safe Zone symbol which you will display in your work space will convey to students and colleagues that you are a person who will be understanding, supportive and trustworthy. Students will know that they can come to you for help, advice, or just to talk to someone in confidence who is supportive and accepting. This symbol also means that biased and offensive actions and comments will be addressed in an educational and informative manner. Colleagues and students have a right to an opinion. However, if someone is perpetuating myths or misinformation about gender and sexual diversity, you will inform them of more accurate information in a respectful manner.
Safe Zone Syllabus Statement I am a member of the Safe Zone Program: Allies for Gender and Sexual Diversity. This means that I promise to provide confidential support for members of the college community who are gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex, or cross- dressing. I am available to listen if you wish to talk or to refer you to appropriate resources in the community.
Illinois State Law On January 21, 2005, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich signed an amendment to the Illinois Human Rights Act that will prohibit discrimination on the basis of an individual's sexual orientation. Effective January 1, 2006, the amended Act specifically prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodation and certain financial transactions. Sexual orientation is defined as an individual's "actual or perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or gender-related identity, whether or not traditionally associated with the person's designated sex at birth." The Illinois Department of Human Rights is vested with enforcement authority under the amended Act.
Components of Safe Zone Four hours of training Exposure to terminology and symbols Panel Exercises Contract Door sticker Website Manual
Defining Sex and Sexuality Sex Gender Sexual Orientation
Sex –Chromosomes (XX, XY, XXX, XXY, XYY, X0) –Hormones Female—the default sex Testosterone at six weeks Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Dominican Republican Syndrome Androgen Insensitivity Hypospadia How many sexes are there? Intersex
Gender Masculine Feminine Androgynous (Intergender) Transgender Transsexual Cross Dresser
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Asexual Pansexual
Heterosexist Questionnaire What are our assumptions? Why do we care what someone’s sexual identity is?
Heterosexual Privilege