LGBT in Israel Roey Yamin Israel Fellow, Hillel at Stanford.


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Presentation transcript:

LGBT in Israel Roey Yamin Israel Fellow, Hillel at Stanford

JUDAISM AND LGBT "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.“ (Leviticus 20:13) "Like the practice of the land of Egypt... you shall not do" (Leviticus 18:3) “ A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the L ORD your God detests anyone who does this.” (Deuteronomy 22:5) “You must not offer to the L ORD an animal whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn or cut. You must not do this in your own land.” (Leviticus 22:24)

NOT THAT JEWISH… The ban was formally repealed by the Knesset in The State of Israel inherited its sodomy law from British Mandate. There is no record that it was ever enforced against homosexual acts that took place between consenting adults in private. The ban was formally repealed by the Knesset in Sex change operation covered by the public health services Dana International represented Israel in the Eurovision song contest. “Now we can talk about it” Since The Supreme Court promote LGBT rights on diverse issues

MARRIAGE  No civil marriage in Israel  Unregistered cohabitation (known in public) recognized by the state.  There is no comprehensive legislation refers to same-sex couples. Israel supreme court plays an important role, requiring the state to promote equal rights.  Same- sex marriages performed outside of Israel registered by the state.

GAY-BY BOOM Surrogacy  Because of Jewish traditional rules, services are not accessible to single men or same-sex couples  While  While assisted reproductive technology is accessible to lesbians and covered by the state, gay couples turn to external surrogacy services in India or in the US

GAY-BY BOOM Adoption  The Supreme Court recognize adoption process performed outside of Israel registered by the state.  The Supreme Court allow LGBT people to adopt their partners biological children. The state created suitable documents  The government recognizes adoption of non biological children  LGBT couples still find it hard to adopt in Israel, and most of them turn to external processes

THE PUBLIC SPHERE  worker anti-discrimination bill passes in the Knesset. Refers to sexual orientation, and not to gender orientation.  The supreme court forces private companies and governmental organization to recognize same-sex couples  References to sexual orientation were added to anti- discrimination laws (equal patient rights, equal services rights etc.)

MEN IN UNIFORM MEN IN UNIFORM   Since 1993, openly gays and lesbians have been allowed to serve openly in the military, including special units. This is change in the initial policy, which tended to view homosexuality as a mental illness.   Harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation is also prohibited in the Israeli military.   The military recognizes same-sex couples, including widows and widowers of the same-sex.