Jesus the “New Moses” Moses climbs Mt Sinai Receives the Ten Commandments and the Torah from God Jesus is presented on the “Mount” He will promulgate from here the “New” definitive law Jesus is sitting which is customary posture of teachers and lawgivers
“In the beginning was the word… and the word was NO! Where as the Commandments are seen as the “Thou shall not” The New Law (Beatitudes) are “Blessed” from the Greek makarios which is best translated as “happy” The New Moses offers us a pattern of life that promises us to be simply happy
Matthew speaks of Jesus and his ”yoke” which is light and easy to bear and it will bring us fullness of life. (think of the hours and years of training and practice needed to do well in something…. To what end) What is joy but the experience of having attained the true good?
The Sermon on the Mount, is that new law to discipline our desires, our minds, and our bodies to make real happiness possible Soren Kierkegaard said a saint is someone whose life is about one thing…. Not a monotonous life but a truly holy person ordered toward pleasing God alone.
We sense within ourselves the hunger for God but attempt to satisfy it with some created good that is less than God. Thomas Aquinas said there are four substituted for God wealth, pleasure, power, and honor (fame) Sensing the void we fill it with a combination of these but only in the emptying of ourselves in love can we make space for God to fill.
This is traditionally revered to as “CONCUPISCENCE” but perhaps today the world more fitting is “addiction” We try to satisfy the hunger for God with something less and the absence of the high forces us to need more of the lesser finite goods. Only to find ourselves again dissatisfied
Blessed are the poor in spirit…. This is not a romanticizing of economic poverty nor a demonization of wealth…but rather a formula for detachment. Think how easy your life could be if we were not attached to material things, if we have not placed the goods that wealth can buy at the center of our concerns.
Blessed are the meek ….. Meek people don’t come to positions of power or influence Jesus is not passing judgment on institutions of power but showing us a path of detachment JRR Tolkien writes in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy that the most tempting ring is the ring of power.. Frodo feels free and happy when he finally destroys the ring in the fires of Moldor