Venue and Accesses
Route 1 Route 2 JustSleep (Hotel) The NTU Library (Venue) Choose your preferred route!
Route 1 JustSleep (Hotel) — Zhoushan Road — The NTU Library Campus landmarks and scenic spots: Lu-ming Hall and Lu-ming SquareLu-ming Hall and Lu-ming Square Center for Agricultural Products SalesCenter for Agricultural Products Sales Life Science Building (Museum of Zoology)Life Science Building (Museum of Zoology) Experimental FarmExperimental Farm Liugongjun Pool.Liugongjun Pool. Summary Distance: approx. 1 kmDistance: approx. 1 km Time: approx minutesTime: approx minutes Calories: approx Calories: approx
Leave the hotel and turn right
Walk past the footbridge
Take the first turn on the right. Tip: This street-like road is the “Zhoushan Road.”
Continue straight ahead...
Then cross the bridge
Voilà! The Library is on your left.
Enter the library
On your left is Zu-Zan Hall for the poster session
Go downstairs to the lower ground floor
Make a turn
Yay! Here it is.
Route 2 JustSleep (Hotel) — Royal Palm Boulevard— The NTU Library Campus landmarks and scenic spots: The Main GateThe Main Gate Royal Palm BoulevardRoyal Palm Boulevard Fu GardenFu Garden Agricultural Exhibition Hall (The Hall of Holes)Agricultural Exhibition Hall (The Hall of Holes) The Gallery of University HistoryThe Gallery of University History Heritage Hall of PhysicsHeritage Hall of Physics Fu BellFu Bell Summary Distance: approx kmDistance: approx km Time: approx. 20 minutesTime: approx. 20 minutes Calories: approx Calories: approx
Leave the hotel and make a right turn
Go straight ahead
Turn right at the junction
You will see the Main Gate of NTU
Follow the boulevard to the end
The library is at the east end of the boulevard. You can’t miss it.
Enter the library
On your left is Zu-Zan Hall for the poster sessions
Go downstairs to the lower ground floor
Make a turn
Voilà! You have arrived!