Miroslava Trojanovičová
The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service The official start of operations- on 1 October 2009 3 satellites- AOR-E (PRN120), IOR-W (PRN 126) and (PRN 124) signal-in-space is broadcast by Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites in the L1 frequency, centered at MHz. More than 40 ground stations
The Wide Area Augmentation System Space segments- multiple geosynchronous communication satellites(Inmarsat-4 F3, Telesat's Anik F1R, and Intelsat's Galaxy 15) Ground segments- 38 Wide-area Reference Stations (WRS), 3 WAAS Master Station (WMS), 6 Ground Uplink Stations (GUS), 2 Operational Control Centers (OCC) The user segment is the GPS and WAAS receiver Provides ranging signals transmitted by GEO satellites
Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System Space segment contain two satellites: MTSAT-1R and MTSAT-2 The MSAS Ground Segment is composed of four Ground Monitor Station (GMS) that collect information on the GPS and MTSAT signals The MSAS user segment is the GPS and SBAS- enabled receiver
VHF omnidirectional radio range short-range radio navigation system for aircraft, enabling aircraft to determine their position VOR stations broadcast a VHF radio composite signal A VOR ground station sends out a master signal, and a highly directional second signal that varies in phase 30 times a second compared to the master. The identifier is typically a two- or three- letter string in Morse code.
Distance measuring equipment Aircraft use DME to determine their distance from a land-based transponder by sending and receiving pulse pairs The ground stations are typically co-located with VORs