Computicket – Roll out JULY: Objective is awareness Goal is audience reach Facebook: Page Post Link Ad Photo Post Ad Twitter: Web Card Tweet post AUGUST: Objective is hard sale drive Goal ticket sales Facebook: Page Post Link Ad Photo Post Ad Multi-product ad Twitter: Web card Tweet Posts SEPTEMBER: Objective is reminder posts Goal Ticket sales Facebook: Page Post Link Ad Photo Post Ad Multi-product ad Cover Photo Awareness post Twitter: Web card Tweet posts Gallery cards
Content: Page Post Link Ad Page Post Link ads (aka Newsfeed Ads) features big images to draw attention and drive. These ads perform generally well and have the side benefit of generating ‘likes’ for the promotion page. Facebook- Adverts
Facebook Page Post Link Ad creative
Facebook Page Post Link Ad: example Copy will read: POLO Jeans Co. in association with AMP Events presents An Evening with Ed Kowalczyk - Throwing Copper Unplugged 20th Anniversary Tour. Now available for all Cape Town shows 25 & 26 Sep VIP Meet & Greet Package for R includes the following: −Premium Floor Block seating in first 8 rows −Exclusive access to pre-show sound check −Exclusive brief Meet & Greet with Ed Kowalczyk directly after sound check −Autographed Limited Edition SA Tour poster −Official Meet & Greet laminate −Crowd Free merchandise shopping −On-site VIP host Limited availability, see link for bookings:
Facebook- Adverts Content: Multi-product ad Multi-product ad are useful for all the eCommerce advertisers looking to promote multiple products. The new featured Multi-product ads are very similar to the normal posts however offer space for three to four product images, each with individual online links to showcase different elements of each show. The ad will feature on newsfeed via desktops & mobiles. With a single ad you can now promote three different products, each one with his own creative, link and title making a click on the ad much more likely.
Facebook Page Multi-Product Ad: example Ad 1: Link to VIP package 25 September Ad 2: Link to VIP package 26 September Ad 3: Link to general tickets
Content: Page Post Photo Ad The Facebooks ads are a more general approach to the Facebook social platform, reaching more users than those that follow the CTK social pages. Ads can be targeted accordingly to fit the show profile. Due to the higher reach, these ads generate a high number of engagement and click through to website. Facebook- Adverts
Facebook Page Post Photo Ad- creative
Facebook Page Post Photo Ad: example Copy to read: Ed Kowalczyk will appear onstage with a new unplugged production of some of rock`s most profound anthems and the voice that has attracted legions of fans for more than two decades. VIP Packages available for the Cape Town Shows, 25 & 26 September VIP available at R 2500, which includes: VIP Meet & Greet −Premium Floor Block seating in first 8 rows −Exclusive access to pre-show sound check −Exclusive brief Meet & Greet with Ed Kowalczyk directly after sound check −Autographed Limited Edition SA Tour poster −Official Meet & Greet laminate −Crowd Free merchandise shopping −On-site VIP host Limited Availability, see LINK for BOOKINGS: 25 September: 26 September:
Twitter setup Twitter: Sales push Website card: we will make use of a website card on twitter to punt the ticket sales for each show. Gallery cards: to advertise the event and what people can expect. Consists of four images of the artist line up Lead generation- Computicket makes use of a lead gen card to execute competitions. The lead gen card has an entry button which serves as a database of information. (Client to advise on possible Competition and logistics thereof)
Twitter examples- web card
Twitter: examples Tweet will read: Ed Kowalczky VIP TICKETS for Cape Town Show Available 25 September 2015, book here: Tweet will read: Ed Kowalczky VIP TICKETS for Cape Town Show Available 26 September 2015, book here:
Using Text in Images: Please note, to get maximum reach for all our promoters, we boost some of the posts to ensure that each promoter show, reaches the maximum potential that social media offers. This also ensures that a sufficient number of people get to view the posts so that the posts do not get lost in the clutter of social and awareness for the shows are achieved. For this purpose, please see below the guidelines for the posts that will contain ad spend: Ads on Facebook may not include images with text that covers more than 20% of the image's area. This guideline applies to all ads, including video thumbnails. Ads containing more then 20% text are bounced back by the system and do not enjoy the exposure the ad spend was meant to achieve. Computicket – Boosted posts- Facebook