Regional Stormwater Management Coordinating Council Meeting Summary of May 13 th Meeting Summary of May 13 th Meeting Regulatory Updates Regulatory Updates Council Membership Elections Council Membership Elections Cost Shares Cost Shares FY2015 Work Program Status Report FY2015 Work Program Status Report TMDL Update TMDL Update Roundtable Discussion Roundtable Discussion August 19, 2015
Special Presentation Suzanna Perea, US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6 How is EPA Promoting Green Infrastructure?
Regulatory Update Texas SB 912 Effective on September 1 Bill establishes a distinction between the reporting requirements related to discharges versus spills and to alleviate the overly burdensome reporting requirements of TCEQ on certain utilities.
Regulatory Update The Clean Water Rule: Definition of "Waters of the United States" Effective on August 28 The final rule defining the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act
Council Membership Elections RSWMCC consists of 22 members 10 Phase I representatives 12 Phase II representatives Chair, Vice Chair, and Past Chair make up RSWMCC Executive Committee
Council Membership Elections Phase I representatives are selected by their entity and have permanent seats Phase II reps are elected by others in their watershed and serve a staggered three-year term Vice Chair is elected annually and becomes Chair the following year then Past Chair
Council Membership Elections Vice Chair Vice Chair is elected annually Vice Chair becomes Chair the following year, and then Past Chair the year after that Nominees for Vice Chair determined by the Executive Committee Nominees selected; 2 have accepted We will begin the voting process next week via
Council Membership Elections Watershed Representatives Normally, each watershed would have 1 seat that opens up at the beginning of a fiscal year Due to past anomalies, only East Fork, Elm Fork, and Main Stem will have open seats for election We will begin the nomination/election process in the coming weeks via Voting via should be completed by mid September
FY2016 Cost Shares FY2016 cost share notices for Commitment Response Forms (CRF) and Letters of Agreement (LOA) will be sent later this month Requesting CRF/LOA by the end of September
FY2015 Work Program Update Public Education Task Force Working on outreach for pesticide and fertilizer use and related landscape BMPs Creating 2016 Doo the Right Thing calendar Texas SmartScape: Members holding fall plant sales; staff working with plant list reviewers to wrap up their updates by this fall Staff drafting sample social media posts for fall Leave It on the Lawn campaign Revising order form for FY2016 Cooperative Purchase
FY2015 Work Program Update Pollution Prevention Task Force Working on BMP poster draft revisions; photos still needed Finalizing the fall site tour/mock self- inspection location and date
FY2015 Work Program Update Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE) IDDE video translated into Spanish IDDE poster series with Spanish and English versions complete this fall Industrial Inspector Workshop spring 2016 Advanced IDDE Workshop – development of agenda and materials for 2016
FY2015 Work Program Update Stormwater Monitoring Program Planning for fourth permit term Watershed selection Discussion of goals and objectives to pursue Finalizing LOAs to send by
FY2015 Work Program Update Public Works Coordination (iSWM™) Completed a total of 9 Benefits of iSWM meetings (2 counties, 7 cities) Tentative dates for next meeting: September 9 or 11 Addison, Carrollton, Coppell, Richardson, Farmers Branch
TMDL Update The second annual meeting of the bacteria TMDL Coordination Committee took place on June 3 4 stream segments will be added to the Implementation Plan
Roundtable Your Turn!
RSWMCC FY2016 Meetings November 18, :30 a.m. William J. Pitstick Board Room February 17, :30 a.m. William J. Pitstick Board Room May 11, :30 a.m. William J. Pitstick Board Room August 17, :30 a.m. William J. Pitstick Board Room
Upcoming Task Force Meetings Public Education October 14 at 9:30 a.m. (Tejas Room) Pollution Prevention November 5 at 9:30 a.m. (Tejas Room) Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination October 1 at 9:30 a.m. (Tejas Room) Regional Stormwater Monitoring August 25 at 1:00 p.m. (Tejas Room)
Upcoming events Sanitary Sewer Overflows – Stakeholder Meeting September 15 at 10 a.m. (TCEQ, Park 35 Circle, Bldg. E, Room 201S, Austin, Texas)
NCTCOG Stormwater Staff Tamara Cook Erin Kelly Maria Ruiz Samantha Lamanna Edith Marvin Nalani Jay