UNIX Lab date cal uptime hostname, whoami, quota leave bc wump man fortune chess monop worm adventure apropos whatis
UNIX Lecture History Connecting X Windows Terminal definitions Command Syntax Shells Communicating with others Editors Printing Redirection, pipes Displaying files UNIX File system Directories Process Control
UNIX: root directory bin boot dev ect home lib lost+found mnt net proc root sbin tmp usr var
Chapter 6 - Process Synchronization Background
Critical Section Problem Must meet the following guidelines: Mutual Exclusion Progress Bounded Waiting
Vocabulary flag true/false/boolean turn atomic primitive instructions counter race condition
Two Process Solutions Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 Algorithm 3
Multi-Process Solution Bakery Algorithm: –order is unpredicatable (chaos) –pick a number, first come/first served –how to handle a tie
Synchronization Hardware Special hardware instructions –test/modify a word –swap Test and-Set instruction
Semaphores Usage Implementation Deadlocks and Starvation Binary Semaphores