Changing and reorganizing information stored in memory to create new or transformed information.
Image: Visual mental representation of a specific event or object Most basic unit of thought May not be an exact copy, but has the highlights of the original Symbol: abstract—a sound, object or design that represents an object or quality Words, icons, numbers Can have a number of meanings—enables us to consider the past and the future
Concept: A class of objects or events that have at least one common attribute Enables us to chunk large amounts of information We don’t have to treat each new piece of info as unique Animals, cars, liquid, beauty Prototype: A representative example of a concept The image that comes to your mind when a concept is introduced An ex. that has the most characteristics of the concept
Directed Thinking (convergent thinking) Systematic and logical attempts to reach a specific goal or answer. Depends on symbols, concepts or rules Deliberate and purposeful Helps us solve problems, formulate and follow rules and work toward setting and achieving goals Non-directed Thinking (divergent thinking) Free flow of thoughts, no real plan depends more on images Daydreams, fantasies Often used when we are relaxing, or escaping boredom. May lead to insights into goals or beliefs
Continued… Metacognition: Thinking about our thinking Thinking of our strategy or how we went about solving something
One of the main functions of directed thinking Help us bridge the gap between a desired goal and a present situation
Sub-goals: Break a complex problem down into smaller easier to manage goals Work Backwards: Start with the solution and figure out a way to solve it Look into your memory: Have you experienced something like this before?
Algorithms: Fixed set of procedures that if followed correctly will lead to a solution Mathematical formulas, Playing Chess Not always realistic, can be very long and complex Can you figure out what this word is? SPLOYOCHYG PSYCHOLOGY How did you solve it? An algorithm would have taken 907,200 attempts!!
Heuristics: Experimental strategies or rules of thumb that simplify problems and can lead to quick solutions A short cut Can result in bad decisions because we don’t have enough information or we ignore pertinent information Availability Heuristic Rely on easily recalled info Lottery Representativeness Heuristic Assumptions Rules of thumb Flipping a coin
I f I flip a coin 10 times, which is more likely to be the results? HHTHTTHTHH or HHHHHHHHHH WHY?? Both series are just as likely, but your representative heuristic makes you think that 1 is more likely because option 1 represents What a random series should look like
Mental Set: When a strategy becomes habit. Cemented into your problem solving strategies Your thinking can become rigid: rigidity Functional Fixedness: the inability to solve a problem that requires them to use a familiar object in an unfamiliar way. Inability to “Think outside the box.” Which activities did you experience this?
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