copy complete #1-4 Doorbuster-please copy and complete #1-4 below: 1. 1. In ASL, you do not need to sign articles such as a, an, & the, or conjunctions such as and, or, then, & but. 2. 2.You use a QR code by: _(explain)______________ ***The first person from each group to get my attention (shhh ) and that I see signing CANDY will get a surprise in a few minutes- I’ll list winning names on the board) 3. 3. Our test next Tuesday is over Unit _____ signs. 4. 4. Our test next Thursday is over _______________.
1. Doorbuster 2. Signing Stories completed 3. Signs practiced- copy video 4. Sky Drive and tech. time.- on BISD website is lecture day- ***Tomorrow is lecture day- VERY important for culture/grammar test next Thursday, and Final Exam.
copy complete #1-4 Doorbuster-please copy and complete #1-4 below: 1. 1. In ASL, you do not need to sign articles such as a, an, & the, or conjunctions such as and, or, then, & but. 2. 2.You use a QR code by: _(explain)______________ ***The first person from each group to get my attention (shhh ) and that I see signing CANDY will get a surprise in a few minutes- I’ll list winning names on the board) 3. 3. Our test next Tuesday is over Unit _____ signs. 4. 4. Our test next Thursday is over _______________.
1. Doorbuster 2. Signing Stories completed 3. Signs practiced- copy video 4. Sky Drive and tech. info.- on BISD website is lecture day- ***Tomorrow is lecture day- VERY important for culture/grammar test next Thursday, and Final Exam.
Discrimination against deaf or hard of hearing individuals. The belief that one is a “superior” being due to the ability to hear.
Charles Micael Abbé de l’Epee milan1880.html milan1880.html
Abbe Charles Michel de L’Epee was an 18 th century priest who is known as the Father of Deaf Education He founded the first public school for the deaf in the world. He was dedicated to education and salvation of deaf people- his motivation.
Abbe Sicard directed Epee’s school in france, and two of his pupils were Clerc and Massieu, who also became teachers.
Later, in the USA, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet had a neighbor with a deaf daughter (Alice Cogswell), so he set out to Europe to find a way to bring education to the deaf. He was turned down in Scotland (they did not want to share their oral method), but met Sicard and was invited to France to learn a signed method.
In France Laurent Clerc agreed to return to the USA with Gallaudet and found the first school for the deaf, in Hartford Conn. In Eventually, his son Edward Miner Gallaudet, witnessed the charter signed for what became Gallaudet University The rest continues above In Arlington, there is a Deaf school called Jean Massieu Academy