IVS: CH. 2 - TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT: The fast-food manager trained workers to give polite, full answers to customers, not curt responses. a. cautious b. courteous c. abrupt 1. Curt (kûrt) - adjective 2. Demoralize (dĭ-môr'ə-līz') - verb Cara's refusal to date my brother demoralized him to the point that for months he lacked the confidence to ask another woman out. a. cheat(ed) b. discourage(d) c. excite(d)
In old romantic movies, the heroine's dilemma often involves choosing between a rich boyfriend and the poor man she really loves. a. hard choice b. great danger c. benefit 3. Dilemma (dĭ-lĕm'ə) - noun That two-year-old has some irritating tendencies, such as her inclination to say "no" to everything. a. tendency b. reason c. fate 4. Inclination (ĭn-klə-nā'shən) - noun
5. Irate (ī-rāt') - adjective Ray gets mad when his wife misplaces the TV's remote control, and she becomes equally irate when he writes a check and forgets to record it in the checkbook. a. thrilled b. selfish c. furious 6. Retort (rĭ-tôrt') - verb When I told my parents I'd wash the supper dishes the next morning, my father retorted, "Maybe we should serve you dinner in the mornings, too." a. approve(d) b. replied c. ask(ed)
7. Sabotage (săb'ə-tŏzh') - verb A fired computer operator sabotaged the company's computer system by planting a "virus" in it. a. develop(ed) b. invest(ed) in c. did harm to 8. Subsequent (sŭb'sĭ-kwənt') - adjective The first time Janet drove on a highway, she was terrified, but on subsequent trips, she felt more relaxed. a. first b. following c. previous
9. Wary (wâr'ē) - adjective "There's no such thing as a free lunch" means that we should be wary about promises of getting something for nothing. a. careful b. tired c. welcoming 10. Zeal (zēl) - noun Flo attacked her food with such zeal that I thought she hadn't eaten for a week. a. resistance b. passion c. skill
IVS: CH. 2 - MATCHING WORDS WITH DEFINITIONS: 1. A tendency to think, act, or behave in a certain way; a leaning Inclination 2. Rudely brief when speaking to someone Curt 3. Cautious; on guard Wary 4. To reply, especially in a quick, sharp, or witty way Retort 5. To lower the spirits of; weaken the confidence or cheerfulness of Demoralize 6. A situation requiring a difficult choice Dilemma 7. Following, in time or order; next; later Subsequent 8. Enthusiastic devotion; intense enthusiasm Zeal 9. To deliberately destroy or damage Sabotage 10. Very angry Irate