Chapter 1 Vocab Our faction allows me to stand in front of the mirror on the second day of every third month, the day my mother cuts my hair. The other factions celebrate birthdays, but we don’t. It would be self-indulgent. It is too late to look away, but instead of scolding me, she smiles at our reflection. I frown a little. Why doesn’t she reprimand me for staring at myself?
The other factions celebrate birthdays, but we don’t. It would be self-indulgent. indulgent: adj. easy-going; lenient
It is too late to look away, but instead of scolding me, she smiles at our reflection. I frown a little. Why doesn’t she reprimand me for staring at myself? reprimand: verb. chastise; criticize; to call out
She has high cheekbones and long eyelashes, and when she lets her hair down at night, it hangs in waves over her shoulders. But she must hide that beauty in abnegation. The candor man wears a black suit with a white tie. Their faction values honesty and sees the truth as black and white, so that is what they wear.
I could tell him I’ve been worried for weeks about what the aptitude test will tell me – Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Amity, or Dauntless? My father calls the Dauntless “hellions.” They are pierced, tattooed, and black-clothed. Their primary purpose is to guard the fence that surrounds our city.
Chapter 2 Vocab Faction customs dictate even idle behavior and supersede individual preference. She presses the next electrode to her own forehead, and attaches a wire to it.
Chapter 3 Vocab “Beatrice, your results were inconclusive,” she says. “Typically, each stage of the simulation eliminates one or more of the factions, but in your case, only two have been ruled out. I don’t mean you shouldn’t share them now; I mean you should never share them with anyone, ever, no matter what happens. Divergence is extremely dangerous.
Chapter 4 Vocab The houses on my street are all the same size and shape. They are made of gray cement, with few windows, in economical, no- nonsense rectangles. Our leaders are selected by their peers for their impeccable character, moral fortitude, and leadership skills.
Valuing knowledge above all else results in a lust for power, and that leads men into dark and empty places.
Chapter 5 Vocab The uniform pounding of feet in my ears and the homogeneity of the people around me makes me believe that I could choose this. Those who blamed ignorance became the Erudite. Those who blamed duplicity created Candor. Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation.
Chapter 6 Vocab I train my eyes on the floor and stand behind the Dauntless-born initiates who chose to return to their own faction. I hear Rita’s sobs and the murmured reassurance of the boy behind her.
I train my eyes on the floor and stand behind the Dauntless-born initiates who chose to return to their own faction. initiates: noun. people who have been admitted into a group or have been given important knowledge
I hear Rita’s sobs and the murmured reassurance of the boy behind her. reassurance: noun. encouragement; words or actions that promote confidence
Chapter 17 Vocab Whatever we’re doing, it must involve being high up for him to avoid it. She must not know that if she speaks of him with such reverence in her voice. reverance: noun. respect; awe
Before he can finish the word “go,” he releases the sling and I forget him. I forget Uriah, and family, and all the things that could malfunction and lead to my death. malfunction: verb. to stop working properly
I know why my father said the Dauntless were a pack of madmen. He didn’t – and couldn’t – understand the kind of camaraderie that forms only after you’ve all risked your lives together. camaraderie: noun. friendship, familiarity and trust
Chapter 28 Vocab That is all I need: to remember who I am. And I am someone who does not let inconsequential things like boys and near- death experiences stop her. inconsequential: adjective. of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial
Prosperity. To me the word has a negative connotation. Abnegation uses it to describe self-indulgence. connotation: noun. feeling or meaning associated with a word; not a literal meaning
Even if I could explain everything to him, I wouldn’t want to. I can’t even summon the will to think about it. summon: verb. call forth; gather