Avenues to Better Writing
Why is writing important? One of the 4 domains of the ELD Standards Measure of Comprehension Writing is on the IPT, EOG, and the 4 th grade tests How we express ourselves- it’s a life skill It builds confidence
Types of writing in Avenues Interactive Writing Shared Writing Daily writing Content Connections / Response to Reading Writing Project
1 St Grade Writing Daily Writing Content Connections Writing Projects (2)
2 nd and 3 rd Grade Writing Daily Writing Content Connections / Response to Literature Writing Projects (4) Uses EAYC! (Green)
4 th and 5 th Grade Writing Daily Writing Content Connections / Response to Literature Writing Projects (4) EAYC! (Purple)
Supports for Writing 2 nd and 3 rd Grades 1 st Grade 4 th and 5 th Grades
Get to Know Writing! Kindergarten1 st Grade2 nd Grade3 rd Grade4 th and 5 th Grade Interactive and Shared Writing Daily Writing Content Connections English At Your Command! Writing Project Is Interactive or Shared Writing found at your level? What other types of writing supports are found? Find an example of and page reference for each. What types of of writing activities come out of content connections? Is there any type of writing that is found more often than other types? Find an example and page reference for content connections. What version of EAYC! Is used at your level and what color is it? Where is it referenced (location on page) in your Teacher’s Guide? Find a writing project in your Teachers Guide. Is the writing project thematically linked to the unit? Give an example of a writing project at your level. How long should it take? Is Daily Writing found at your level? What is the purpose of Daily Writing? How long should daily writing take? Find an example of and page reference for daily writing.
Writing Traits Writing TraitOrganizationFocus and Coherence VoiceDevelopment of Ideas 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th Write to Give Information / Directions (How-to) Write to Entertain / Story Write to Express Feelings / Personal Narrative Write to Describe / Personal Narrative Write to Entertain / Tall Tale Write to Give Information / Information Article Write to Give Information / Biography Write to Give Information / Report Write to Entertain / Story Write to Entertain / Folk Tale Write to Express Feelings / Personal Narrative Write to Express Feelings / Poem Write to Describe / Character Sketch Write to Describe / Description Write to Persuade / Persuasive Letter
One more trait… Writing Conventions
Understanding where writing occurs In grades 3-5, the writing projects are “sandwiched” in between the units The Writing Project is not thematically linked to the unit before or after it; therefore, the writing project can be done independent of the unit
Do NOT Fear the Writing Project Let the On Line Planner be your Guide You can do the writing project in eight weeks (as evidenced in the OnLine Planner) OR you CAN do the writing project in ONE week English At Your Command! is your friend
Teaching the Writing Project What are the steps?
Steps in the Writing Process 1.Study Organization 2.Prewrite 3.Draft 4.Revise -Subject – Verb Agreement -Study Organization 5.Proofread and Edit 6.Publish and Share
Teaching the Writing Project What are the steps? Which students should participate?
Teaching the Writing Project What are the steps? Which students should participate? Why is it important to do all the steps in the writing project?
Teaching the Writing Project What are the steps? Which students should participate? Why is it important to do all the steps in the writing project? But the BIG question really is… HOW IN THE WORLD DO I FIT IT IN?
Options for the Writing Project Option #1: Use the On Line Planner: Select the minute pre-made plan option to see the writing project incorporated into the unit plan Click on the writing activity to see details of how writing is incorporated across the two units Incorporate writing gradually throughout unit, typically over the course of 8 weeks (4 weeks per unit)
Options for the Writing Project Option #2 Do the writing project all in one week. Use the online planner to move the writing project to one week. Add activities by clicking on the day to add writing activities found in previous units.
You can add activities from previous units here
Stroll down the Avenue… Have FUN with writing! Make writing purposeful and a great way to cement and apply learning Use technology to effectively prioritize and plan writing …your students will thank you…