Analytic Traits I.O.V.C What to include in your writing…
Ideas (The hot dog…) Complex (Ideas are detailed and thorough) Pay attention to and include interesting details Notice and include the little things others might overlook The ideas have a purpose There is a complete message or story
Organization (The bun…) This holds everything together… Brilliant and exciting beginning There is a strong, powerful middle The ending is extraordinary and memorable Easy to follow and ideas are grouped appropriately There is focus on one main topic or idea
Voice (ketchup, mustard… the extras…) This is what makes your paper unique and allows your personality to show… “Personal Stamp” on the paper Written with confidence Not afraid to state opinions Unique and individual
Conventions (Put it all together) Correct punctuation marks Correct capitalization Indented paragraphs Correct spelling Grammar is consistent (verb tense, sentence structure – no fragments or run-ons)