Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party Chapters 7-9 Vocabulary
Template Part of speech Definition Sentence using the vocabulary word
Elder Noun A person who is older or higher in rank than you
sympathizer Noun A person who shares in the same feeling as someone else – Ex: a bourgeois sympathizer would have the same feelings and ideals as someone who is bourgeois
ashamed Adjective Feeling shame; distressed or embarrassed by feelings of guilt or disgrace
sob Verb To weep (cry) with a convulsive catching of the breath
squawk Verb To utter a loud, harsh cry
askew Adverb To one side; out of line; in a crooked position
stern Adjective Firm, strict, or uncompromising
assure Verb To pledge or promise; to guarantee To state with confidence
cleaver Noun A heavy, broad-bladed knife or hatchet, used by butchers for cutting meat
cackle Verb To laugh in a shrill, broken cry
incense Noun A substance that produces a sweet odor when burned; any pleasant perfume or fragrance
calligraphy Noun Fancy penmanship, especially highly decorative handwriting
creed Noun Any system of belief or opinion
disposition Noun A person’s natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; a person’s characteristic attitude
contrary Adjective Opposite in nature or character