SAT Vocabulary Set 4
A hot meal can ameliorate the discomforts of even the coldest day.
ameliorate Definition: to improve; make better POS: verb Visual:
Considering the family’s tense mood, you handled the situation with aplomb.
aplomb Definition: great self-confidence in a difficult situation; keeping your cool POS: noun Visual:
They entered the army as callow recruits and left as seasoned veterans.
callow Definition: without experience; immature; not fully developed POS: adjective Visual:
Admitting when you have been fairly defeated is the epitome of sportsmanship.
epitome Definition: a classic “definition” or example of something; a summary, POS: noun Visual:
With dramatic gestures, our fans vigorously exhorted the team to play harder.
exhort Definition: to strongly urge someone to do something. POS: verb Visual:
If you continue to infringe on my responsibilities, will you also take the blame for my mistakes?
infringe Definition: to violate; trespass POS: verb Visual:
The crowd was so eager to see the band perform that they resented the opening singer as an interloper.
Interloper Definition: one who moves in where he/she is not wanted; an intruder POS: noun Visual:
It had been my father’s favorite book when he was my age, so it holds intrinsic meaning to me.
intrinsic Definition: internally true and genuine POS: adjective Visual:
You should not inveigh against the plan with quite so much vigor until you have read it.
inveigh Definition: to make a violent attack in words; to express strong disapproval POS: verb Visual:
On some days I am overcome by lassitude at the thought of so many more years of schooling.
lassitude Definition: tiredness; lack of energy POS: noun Visual:
In 1999 an argument raged over whether 2000 or 2001 would mark the beginning of the new millennium.
millennium Definition: a period of one thousand years; a period of great joy POS: noun Visual:
One need not rely on occult knowledge to grasp why things disappear in a house where black cats live.
occult Definition: mysterious, magical, supernatural; matters involving the supernatural POS: adjective; noun Visual:
The rain permeated all of my clothing and reduced the map in my pocket to a wet mess.
permeate Definition: to spread through, penetrate; soak through POS: verb Visual:
Some argue that more stringent laws against speeding will make our streets safer.
stringent Definition: strict; severe; sharp or bitter to the taste POS: adjective Visual:
I cannot be sure, but I surmise that she would not accept my apology even if I made it on my knee.
Surmise Definition: to think or believe without supporting evidence; to guess; an idea that lacks definite proof POS: verb; noun Visual: