Look for Geometric shapes in the following slides project by Gina Garland and Louis Kokonis
The Library of Congress Collections are full of primary source images that contain images of math
Find any geometric shapes –also any symmetry
Find any symmetry, reflections or geometric shapes
Name at least 5 different geometric shapes found the above picture
Name at least 8 geometric shapes
Find any geometric figures
Look for any geometric shapes – also look for any symmetry
Do you see any symmetry or reflections
Look for geometric shapes-also for any symmetry
Determine any symmetry and any geometric shapes
Look for geometric shapes and for reflections and symmetry
What geometry can be found in the above picture
Check for any conic sections
I spy a necklace made of white cylindrical beads. How many cylindrical beads can you count?
Look for and parallel lines, perpendicular lines, right angles, right triangles, cones, and cylinders
Identify any geometric figures- also look for symmetry and reflections
Identify the geometric figures
Look for Geometric shapes
Look for geometric figures and for symmetry
Look for any geometry shapes- also for any reflections, symmetry, parallel lines, perpendicular lines
Lo Look for symmetry, reflection, parallel lines, perpendicular lines and any geometric shapes
Look for reflections and conic sections
Identify and geometric shapes
Identify geometric shapes ! Yerkes Observatory (1910)