The City of Ember VOCABULARY Set 1
anticipation Noun Expectant waiting; usually with excitement With anticipation, the children waited for the Mayor to arrive.
blackout Noun Loss of electric light Blackouts were common in Ember, and everyone feared these events.
blotches Noun Spots or marks, especially on the skin, but also on other surfaces After crying, little Mary had red blotches on her face.
civic Adjective Related to one’s community or city The mayor stated that working in Ember was everyone’s civic responsibility.
concentration Noun Focus of mind or resources Lina sat with perfect concentration, thinking only of her wish for her job.
confidence Noun Belief in one’s abilities Doon had confidence in his ability to work in the Pipeworks tunnels.
curiosity Noun Desire to know something Lina ran with curiosity to each new “customer” who had a message to deliver
current Adjective or Noun flow of electrical current The generator created a current of electricity.
decipher Verb To make out something that is said or is written The citizens of Ember needed to decipher the writing left by some of the Builders.