What type of triangle is this? A.) scalene B.) obtuse C.) isosceles
What type of triangle is this? A.) obtuse B.) scalene C.) equilateral
Which type of triangle has no equal sides or angles? A.) obtuse B.) scalene C.) isosceles
What type of triangle is this? A.) scalene B.) obtuse C.) isosceles
Which triangle has three equal sides? A.) equilateral B.) scalene C.) obtuse
What type of triangle is this? A.) equilateral B.) obtuse C.) isosceles
Which triangle has an angle greater than 90 degrees? A.) obtuse B.) scalene C.) isosceles
What type of triangle is this? A.) acute B.) right C.) obtuse
What is the name of a triangle whose angles are all less than 90 degrees? A.) acute B.) right C.) obtuse
What is the area of this triangle?
6 10
What is the area of this triangle? 7 16
Grades 3: Math M3G1 Geometry: Figures Students will further develop their understanding of geometric figures by drawing them. They will also state and explain their properties. Element: M3G1.a Draw and classify previously learned fundamental geometric figures and scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles.
Grades 4: Math M4G1 Geometry: Plane Figures Students will define and identify the characteristics of geometric figures through examination and construction. Element: M4G1.a Examine and compare angles in order to classify and identify triangles by their angles.
Grades 5: Math M5M1 Measurement: Area Students will extend their understanding of area of fundamental geometric plane figures. Element: M5M1.c Derive the formula for the area of a triangle. Element: M5M1.d Find the areas of triangles and parallelograms using formulae.