LIB 5010 Building Library Media Center Collections.


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Presentation transcript:

LIB 5010 Building Library Media Center Collections

LIB 5010 Building Library Media Center Collections Agenda Where are we? (Reflections) Where are we? (Reflections) Sharing our community’s needs (Community Needs Analysis) Sharing our community’s needs (Community Needs Analysis) What did we learn? (Reflections on Community Needs Analysis) What did we learn? (Reflections on Community Needs Analysis) Collection development policies Collection development policies What are they? What are they? Why have one? Why have one? Criteria for analyzing Criteria for analyzing Develop rubric Develop rubric Where are we now? (Class assessment) Where are we now? (Class assessment)

Where are we - reflection Select a card that best describes how you feel right now in relationship to the LIB 5010 class?

Sharing Our Community’s Needs Work in groups Work in groups Share responses to the questions on the next slide Share responses to the questions on the next slide Record the responses Record the responses Report out to the whole group Report out to the whole group

Sharing Our Community’s Needs What community does your library serve? What community does your library serve? What was one interesting finding from your analysis of the community? What was one interesting finding from your analysis of the community? What was one inference you made from your findings? What was one inference you made from your findings? If you could make a recommendation to the library related to collection development, what would it be? Why would you make this recommendation? If you could make a recommendation to the library related to collection development, what would it be? Why would you make this recommendation?

“ That’s a very good point that you make. Can you expand on that thought?”

Sharing Our Community’s Needs What was similar between the groups? What was similar between the groups?

Sharing Our Community’s Needs What was different between the groups? What was different between the groups?

“I think it is time to take a moment to reflect about our work so far.”

Reflection on the Project Record on index card Record on index card What did you learn from doing the community analysis? What did you learn from doing the community analysis? What was difficult? What was difficult? How might you be able to use what you have learned? How might you be able to use what you have learned? If you could change this activity, what would you change, if anything? If you could change this activity, what would you change, if anything? Discuss in groups Discuss in groups Record on chart paper Record on chart paper

“Perhaps it is time to take a quick break before starting our next discussion.”

Review - What is Collection Development? A library is … A library is … A place A place With a collection of (important) materials With a collection of (important) materials That are organized, and provide assistance in using the materials That are organized, and provide assistance in using the materials And preserve the materials for future use And preserve the materials for future use Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2205). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. p.4

Review - What is Collection Development? A process A process Meeting information needs Meeting information needs Timely Timely Economical Economical Using local information resources Using local information resources Using information resources from others Using information resources from others Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2205). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. p.7

Review - What is Collection Development? A process (not necessarily linear) A process (not necessarily linear) Community analysis Community analysis Selection Policies Selection Policies Selection Selection Acquisition Acquisition Deselection Deselection Evaluation Evaluation Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2005). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. p.8

“I think it is time to get to our next task.”

Provides guidance Provides guidance Areas of emphasis for selection Areas of emphasis for selection Mechanism for communication Mechanism for communication Library community Library community Library funders Library funders Collection Development Policies Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2005). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. p.50

Why have one? Why have one? Collection Development Policies Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2005). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.

What should be in a collection development policy? What should be in a collection development policy? Collection Development Policies Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2005). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.

A clear definition of what a written collection development policy is as opposed to what it does is lacking in the literature. A clear definition of what a written collection development policy is as opposed to what it does is lacking in the literature. Collection Development Policies Refer to Snow, R. (1996). Wasted words: The written collection development policy and the academic library. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 22,

Determine criteria for analysis Determine criteria for analysis Silently brainstorm ideas Silently brainstorm ideas Record each idea on a sticky note – 1 idea per note Record each idea on a sticky note – 1 idea per note As a group organize sticky notes As a group organize sticky notes One group member record electronically – to One group member record electronically – to Share with whole class Share with whole class Collection Development Policies Refer to Evans, G.E. & Saponaro, M.Z. (2005). Developing library and information center collections (5 th Ed.), Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.

Select and indicate the criteria you will use for the analysis Select and indicate the criteria you will use for the analysis Analyze the policy Analyze the policy Make appropriate suggestions for revisions to the policy based on the criteria Make appropriate suggestions for revisions to the policy based on the criteria 2-3 pages 2-3 pages Collection Development Policy Analysis

Homework Work on the Collection Development Policy Analysis Work on the Collection Development Policy Analysis Read Evans Chp 5-8 Read Evans Chp 5-8 Review Selection Process Thoery.pdf on CD Review Selection Process Thoery.pdf on CD Guest Presenter from Public Library Guest Presenter from Public Library Prepare some questions you might want to ask Prepare some questions you might want to ask Post to Discussion Board Post to Discussion Board Blog personal reflections Blog personal reflections

Where are we now? On an index card On an index card I noticed I noticed I learned I learned I felt I felt I wonder I wonder