1 Welcome Back Back to School Night
2 Agenda Sombrero Time, Ruth Finsthwait Loomis Basin Education Foundation Parent Teacher Club, Racine Shaw Principal’s Remarks, Shawn Shaw
3 Sombrero Time Ruth Finsthwait Director and Curriculum Author Telephone: (916) 749 – Website: Village Center Drive, Suite 125 Granite Bay, CA 95746
4 Loomis Basin Ed. Foundation LBEF's Webpage LBEF's Webpage LBEF's Webpage
5 Parent Teacher Club Racine Shaw, President PTC's WebpagePTC's Webpage: PTC's Webpagewww.franklinptc.com Meeting Day: 1 st Tuesday of each month PurposeHighlights
6 Principal Introductions, New Staff Members Chris Angel, Jr. (Evening Custodian) Krissy Kenoyer (Librarian) Successes Sacred Trust
7 Success: 600 STAR/CST Some schools never have perfect student scores… Three (3) students scored 600 in 2009 as well as 2010 on STAR/CST Math
8 2 nd Grade % Advanced and Proficient 9% ELA and 10% Math Improvement!
9 5 th Grade Advanced and Proficient 2% ELA, 3% Math, and 15% Science Improvement!
10 6 th Grade % Advanced and Proficient 3% ELA and 5% Math Improvement
11 7 th Grade: ELA % Advanced and Proficient 2% Improvement!
12 8 th Grade: ELA % Advanced and Proficient 16% Improvement!
13 Sacred Trust Achievement/Learning SafetyCommunication Child
14 Safety Trojan Values 1.Safe 2.Respectful 3.Responsible Reinforce: Choices & Options
15 Communication Franklin’s Website Franklin’s Website Franklin’s Website Aeries Parent Portal Aeries Parent Portal Aeries Parent Portal Grades Progress Reports Homework
16 Breakout Kindergarten: Cafeteria 6 th Grade: Library 7 th & 8 th Grades: Gymnasium