The Windmillionaire Bradford Taylor, Luis Castellanos, Theo Dockery, Aeron Glover
Our Device Used Lego® to construct rotating parts Manila folder as tube 3 different sizes of copper wire Ceramic magnets Sperry Box as base Model airplane blade as propeller Hot Glue/Super Glue/Electric Tape used to attach materials
Our Windmill
Mechanical and Electrical Aspects Magnets are attached to a spinning rod Propeller spins the rod – Propeller converts the translational motion of the wind created by the fan to rotational motion Four grey Lego rods keep the coil and the rod in place Soldered together wire of multiple sizes
Efficiency Calculations.21 watts watts
Design / Construction Issues Majority of wire got tangled Difficulty finding good wire/magnets Issues creating a good coil Magnets were orientated incorrectly Issues with creating a stable base allowing for the maximum speed/efficiency of our fan
Conclusions We struggled to visualize the proper orientation of the magnets Our generator generated 3 volts and.07 amperes We learned that it took a lot more work and perseverance than we thought it would