Temperate Ponds By: Layla Idrissi
What is a temperate pond? A temperate pond is a well-filtered pond. Many animals and plants live in a temperate pond such as crayfish, pond turtles, dragon flies and The great blue
The Animals in a Temperate Pond
The Great Blue Heron
How does the Great Blue Heron Adapt to a Temperate Pond? To live in the pond, The Great Blue Heron eats pond animals like: Fish Lizards Frogs Crawfish Rodents Insects
The Great Blue Heron also adapts to a temperate pond by building nests between the bushes to lay their eggs in. The Great Blue Heron’s nests are made out of sticks and twigs which are found near a pond or in trees.
The Dragon Fly
How does a Dragon Fly adapt to a Temperate Pond? The Dragon Fly adapts to a Temperate Pond by eating insects that live on or near the pond like * Ants * Mosquitos Midges Flies Bees Butterflies